Friday, February 7, 2020

NYC at Christmastime

Right after NYE (Jan 2-5), we took a quick family trip to NYC to cross off one of our family bucket list items- seeing the Rockettes! We loved seeing all the holiday lights and trees, and the girls were just perfect during two long shows. We ate and drank and laughed and shopped and made so many memories!

Ready to go!

Ok, maybe ready to lay down her head...although she woke right up on the plane. She pretty much played on her iPad the entire flight. Very minimal needs!

We have arrived! The tree at the Palace

We were starving, so we headed next door to Maloney & Porcelli. 

And then walked over to see Saks' Frozen light show, put to music and replays every 15 minutes.

And of course, we ran across 5th Ave. to see the Rockefeller Tree! We approached it from 49th and then cut across the east side of the ice rink to miss the throngs of people that were crammed into the concrete jungle area directly in front of the tree.

The first night, the girls made it most of the night in their own bed. Cressey piped up in the wee hours of the morning but went back to sleep.

Despite a very rainy forecast, Friday morning was really the only time we got really wet. We walked one block over to Duke's for breakfast.

HG loves "The Zoo" show on the Animal Planet, so we made the trek over to the Bronx Zoo. It was drippy when we started out, but it eventually stopped although it was chilly.

Look how close we were to the tiger!

And several sleepy grizzlies!

We turned a corner and BAM! Ran into a huge group of peacocks!


The gorilla exhibit was exquisitely designed

After the zoo, we were headed back for the Wicked matinee, so we picked up a boxed lunch at the zoo and ate in the car.

Obviously, we were just a little hungry!

All ready to see Ginna Claire as Glinda

These noise cancelling headphones were worth their weight in gold. They made Cressey feel more comfortable with the loud noises, and she sat through all of Wicked and the Rockettes, completely mesmerized. She even loved the flying monkeys in Wicked, which I lost sleep worrying about. Go figure.

The Wizard, Michael McCormick

Michael Martin as Doctor Dillamond

Dan Gleason, stand by for Fiyero (he was SO nice and even mentioned he saw Cressey and me clapping at curtain call)

Waiting, waiting

Ok, can we go eat now?

FINALLY! John's Pizzeria

Where's Cressey?

This is how I spent the last two nights...

John came to check on us one night and found this scene...

Morning view of two little blonde heads watching their iPads and the city come to life down below

Breakfast downstairs at the Palace

Granddaddy and Spiffer took the girls to explore Grand Central Station

They found the Whispering Corner- which worked!

Backstage Radio City tour before seeing the Rockettes

Even the bathrooms are retro and fancy

Rehearsal room

We made a little stop into the American Girl store with two very happy little girls!

Cressey's first American Girl purchase- a kitty cat!


Dinner at San Pietro...dinner with a three year old at a fancy place in NYC is still dinner with a three year old

Until next time, NYC! We love you! (Important to note that Cressey was an ANGEL on both flights, entertaining herself 95% of the time, and only one trip to the bathroom)

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