Sunday, January 12, 2020

Oh, the Joy of Christmas!

Cressey's stash

HG's stash

Santa's signature in Kisses

The elves left 'goodbye' notes along the trail of Kisses

HG set her alarm for 6:30 and went to wake up Cressey. Then they stood at the top of the stairs and screamed at us until we got to the bottom. Cress was a little traumatized by that time! (she didn't like that her sister wouldn't let her go down)

All Cress asked for was a blue dragon (this pic) and a rocketship

HG is studying the turkey carving so she can take it on next

It was just the four of us, our parents, and Bubba for Christmas dinner. I put my phone down for a while, so these are the only pics I got of the meal part of the day. It was a wonderfully delicious and fun dinner around our kitchen table!

HG's favorite gifts were stilts, an Amazon Echo, and a scooter. She worked and worked on the stilts, and by the end of the day, she got several steps in a row. Of course, she had it mastered by the next day. Thank goodness for the pretty weather. The girls spent a lot of time outside with their new toys.

Cress finally gave it up for a nap. She can't resist her daddy's head rub!

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