Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Mistletoe Mash

As fifth graders, Helen Grace and her friends moved up to the highest/oldest level of the Christmas 'Jingle Bell Ball' dances at the Peabody, the Mistletoe Mash. She begged to get her hair done, and since the best I can do is a wonky french braid, I signed her up for an appointment downtown before the pre-dance get together with her classmates. I've never seen her smile so big- she was such a happy girl and so proud of her fancy braid and eye shadow and blush!

For what feels like the first time, the girls seemed to really focus on actually dancing during the dance- they didn't come out with balloon animals or face paint- and they seemed to have a teeny bit of fun with the boys too, even boys from other schools. (Eek!)

I kept shaking my head looking at her all night. She knew which dress was the one the minute she pulled it out of the bag and found just the right shoes when she saw them with the dress. You know she must have been happy with herself because she didn't give me quite as much opposition to picture taking as she usually does. Some push back but not a total shutdown! Such a beautiful, strong, fun and stylish girl with a heart of gold!

First glimpse of the whole package

Can hardly wait to get there- chomping at the bit!

Love these two

Time for the dance!

All the SAA-SDS 5th graders

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