Helen Grace had a great but exhausting first full week of school. With my new schedule, I’ve been able to walk her in every morning and pick her up in the afternoon, so her teachers know me by name and are able to give me some insight into her day. Very, very thankful for my boss for allowing me to work my schedule around HG’s schedule.
Monday was great. Mrs. Gossett could tell she hadn’t been there last year because of little things in their routine that she didn’t know, but she had a really good day. She enjoyed music class, and the music teacher spent some time with her. (HG said she made funny faces at them when they weren’t singing.) She came home singing a song about ‘the eye of the Lord.’ Mrs. Blaizel said she is playing well with the kids, and at recess, the girls were seeking her out to play. {PRAISE THE LORD- that was my biggest worry!} She was a little chatty at naptime, but she eventually got still and went to sleep. She made a ‘first day of school float,’ but didn’t like the Sprite in it. She said they held hands and sang Mrs. Gossett ‘Happy Birthday.’ After school, we had a cupcake at a new shop, Frost, to celebrate. She was tired but kept the party going until bedtime.
Caught her in a serious moment on the drive into town, but she was happy and excited Happy girl
Tuesday was a slightly harder day. She was fine at drop off, but Mrs. Blaizel said she cried a bit for mama mid morning but calmed down. She still says she had a good day- just that she wishes she could put herself in a box and ship her to me. I think she was just frustrated or nervous about something new. She had to go potty during lunchtime, so she didn't finish much. (Monday night we talked about what the school was serving for lunch on Tuesday, and she said she was fine to buy lunch there. Tuesday afternoon though she got all teenager on me and said, “Mama, you didn’t pack my lunchbox!” So it’s back to packing a lunch. Booooo.) She went to French class and came home saying ‘bonjour,’ and she took a great nap.
The rest of the week was picture perfect. She ate her packed lunch, took a good nap, and enjoyed playground, gym and library time. No more tears. Spiffer rode with me on Wednesday afternoon to pick her up and Grandma picked her up on Thursday afternoon, so she’s had lots to look forward to and has enjoyed telling everyone about her day. She only said she didn’t want to go to school on Friday morning, and honestly, after the long week, I didn’t either! But she soon rallied, and I didn’t hear another negative word.
Wednesday morning
Celebrating on Friday with Gracie Bleu and the Coats girls- we all survived!!!
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