We had a great, family-filled, low-key Thanksgiving. We started with lunch at Bubba’s and then moved to round two at Nini and Teddy’s after HG had a nap in Grandma’s bed. We stayed around there and let HG experience her first Monopoly game, and I finally managed to pull her out of there around 8 p.m. We were full of turkey, hot dogs (HG only), sweet potatoes, Ozark potatoes, deviled eggs, chocolate chess pie, banana pudding, nuts and bolts, and wonderful, priceless time with FAMILY—for which we are eternally grateful.
Btw, HG picked out this “fancy” dress from her closet just for the big day. (Can you tell she’s discovered Fancy Nancy?)
She *really* got into helping Bubba fill the glasses with ice.
This pic brings tears to my eyes. Flashes me right back to this same driveway almost thirty years ago where Bubba was pulling William and me around in wagons and Cozy Coupes.
So excited the new Mr. & Mrs. Ryves Moore joined us!
The swing where John proposed to me seven years ago
She was obsessed with putting handful after handful of leaves in this garbage bag.
Grandma and Peggy brought this chocolate turkey home to her from their recent NY trip, and she’s been patiently waiting for ‘chicken day’ to finally chow down on it.
Digging into the nuts and bolts
HG’s first time to witness the traditional Thanksgiving night Monopoly game at the Browns
Love for Nini and Teddy!!
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