Here’s what’s going on in our world lately…
- Up in the tower at Chick-fil-a, Helen Grace looked out the window, waved, and smiled down at me. She turned to the little boy next to her and said, “That’s my mommy! Mommy Sha.”
- If I’m flustered or stressed, she often tells me (usually with a pat on my back or head), “It’s alright, Mommy.”
- She’s really big into role playing, and more often than not, we pretend that she’s the mommy and I’m the baby. The baby wakes up scared, and she’ll run over to me, put me in a headlock (a very sweet one), smoothe my hair, smother me with kisses, and whisper, “It’s ok, baby; Mommy’s here. There no monsters; it’s ok.”
- She’s constantly telling me, “I told you, Mommy. I told you.”
- She loves to turn on her ballerina music box and dance and leap around like a ballerina.
- I’m not sure where this has come from, but when I get out of the car and walk around to her back door, she locks it and squeals with pride when I try to open it and find it locked.
- When I’m talking with another grown up, she often stops what she’s doing and asks, “Mommy, what you talking ‘bout?”
- Lately, she’s starting pulling out some gibberish words, usually names of stuffed animals, and when you ask her what she said, she says, “It’s Chinese.” (Must be watching too much Ni Hao, Kai-lan)
- She is in love with Mary Poppins, and I often overhear her singing, “Just a spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down, medicine go down!”
- We had our first embarrassing public comment. We were in Target, and she pointed a guy and said, “Mommy, that’s a fat guy.” I’m not sure he heard her words, but I’m worried that he saw me immediately stop and squat down to talk to her sternly and could have figured it out. I hope we nipped that one in the bud. Ugh.
- When she’s upset at bedtime, she will usually calm down if you give her a book to hold onto. Let’s hope that means she’ll be a bookworm. :)
- Dang it if my childhood pediatrician wasn’t right…my mom keeps telling me that Dr. Riley always said that it takes a child twice as long to get back on schedule as the time they were taken off their routine. Sure enough, it has taken us 13 long nights to get HG back on the good bedtime routine we were on before our trip, and we were off schedule for about 7 days. Whew. The last two nights, I’ve been able to put her to sleep in her bed and awake, and last night, she slept all night. Fingers crossed she’ll sleep that well again tonight.
The girl loves this door and curtain at McAlister’s. They usually have a private party in the room, but on Sunday, we had the room all to ourselves. She stood like this for probably half our dinner, watching everyone walk by. She loves some corn, so this corn on the cob was a special treat from Granddaddy and Spiffer.
She will usually tell you she is from ‘Mississippi,’ but she’s been so obsessed with Mary Poppins that lately, she’s coming out with ‘Mary-ssippi.’
She wants to ride with the windows down in the car at all times. If I’m not driving fast enough to get a good breeze going, she complains that the wind isn’t fast enough. She tells me my hair is crazy when it’s whipping around.
Waiting on Mama to finally be ready to go, watching Beauty and the Beast, of course
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