Bird Feeder Grandma and Peggy gave Helen Grace a bird feeder for Christmas, and John hung it outside our kitchen window. Spiffer was pointing out that it had her name carved on it, and HG responded with, “There’s no H in bird.” John has really wanted the birds to show up, but HG reminded him, “You gotta be patient, Daddy. Birds will come.”
Freak Out One night this week, I caught Helen Grace tip toeing down the hall after I had put her to bed. When she realized she was busted, she wailed, "I sorry, Mommy, I sorry! I just freak out!" Now MAMA was busted- I now know what words I need to leave out of my vocabulary!
Dentist In preparation for her first trip to the dentist when she turns three, I brought Helen Grace along with me for my teeth cleaning appointment on Wednesday. Granddaddy came with us too, and he held her while they watched me. She was very timid at first and got a little upset at first when she heard the toothbrush noise start up. She was fine though when she realized it didn’t hurt me. The hygienist was really good with her as she counted and “tickled” my teeth. She called the suction thing, Mr. Thirsty, and that made Helen Grace laugh. I am still nervous about trying to put HG down in that chair, but at least she’s gotten to experience a dentist’s office.
Dance Parties HG is really into having dance parties these days, and she’s insistent on them being done as a family. She calls the floor space behind our couch and next to our kitchen table her ‘stage,’ and she’ll grab my phone, turn on music, and start yelling, “Dance party! It’s a family!”
Finally Helen Grace has finally crossed the 30 pound mark- yaaaaayyy!
Family dinner at Taco Bell on Sunday…we learned that HG loves hot sauce, just like her daddy. She played with coins with Bubba, Granddaddy, and Daddy FOREVER. The girl’s imagination runs wild!
We also discovered that she likes sushi. She usually eats all the cucumber out of my rolls, but she finally tried the crab and rice and really liked it.
Chilling with Mama and catching up on her magazines
Her daddy has created a monster. This is now how she wants to go grocery shopping. (Notice the ponytail too!!! Grandma talked her into it!)
Morning cuddles with Mama before the day gets started
The Coats ladies came over for lunch on Friday, and HG and AM ran around holding hands…or rather dragging each other around. It was really cute though!
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