Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Mastering the Trike

Now that the weather has been nice, we’ve been tackling HG’s tricycling skills. Her legs were finally long enough to reach the pedals fine, but she struggled to keep constant forward momentum. I’m not sure what happened, but in a matter of a week, she has taken off like a bottle rocket. She suddenly grew bored with making circles in the driveway and decided on Sunday night that she wanted to bike around the lake behind our house. So off we went! She was a little timid when it came to big bumps (tree roots) or the down ramp of a bridge, but after a few times of stalling in apprehension and then trying it out, she conquered her fears and was soon yelling, “Whooo hoooo!” She rode the entire way and never stopped to walk, and I couldn’t have been more thankful that I didn’t have to carry her bike home!

Tonight, she wanted to make another loop around the lake, and this time, when we got to a bridge, she would just pedal faster on the downward slope. SO PROUD of her! Her daddy is now more than ever ready to get out and about so that he can go along on this new adventure!

Sunday night- 1st lake ridetrike- 1st lake trike- 1st lake-1 trike- 1st lake-2 

Tuesday night- 2nd ride. Look what we stumbled upon!trike- 2nd laketrike- 2nd lake-1 She asked me to stop and take her pic on this bench.trike- 2nd lake-2

Training video from the last few weeks

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