Sunday, March 11, 2012


The zoo’s dinosaur exhibit has been opened for a week, so this morning we asked HG if she wanted to go see it. She responded with her two favorite words, “Maybe. Allllmost.” Well, she dilly dallied all morning, and while we were eating lunch in our pjs, she said, “I wanna see the dinosaurs.” Okaaayyy. We had a little bit more early afternoon play time than normal (before naptime), thanks to Daylight Savings Time, so we pulled it together and got ourselves to the zoo.

As soon as we arrived, HG started saying, “I don’t wanna see the dinosaurs. They’re scary.” We convinced her they were machines and weren’t real. And then we ran into the dinosaur mascot just inside the zoo doors. Lordy! Well, we finally got her in the doors of the exhibit, although she was literally attached to my leg. When they roared at her, we told her they were just saying hi and to roar back, and she thought that was really funny. She started to loosen up a little, and by the end, she was running around and enjoying it.

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Afterward, she asked for a butterfly sucker, and then she wanted to show it to the dinosaur mascot. She was much more sociable this time around!IMG_1385 IMG_1388

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