Thursday, December 23, 2010

Children’s Museum

Since John and I were both off of work today, I thought it would be fun to try out the Children’s Museum where John and Helen Grace could run wild together. It did not disappoint. Helen Grace lit up when we walked in, and she soon grabbed her daddy’s hand and headed toward the airplane. We spent the afternoon chasing her and laughing at her giggles and surprise as she explored. We look forward to many more fun family trips to the Children’s Museum!

CIMG7060 Captain Helen GraceCIMG7062She wasn’t a big fan of the wind tunnel.CIMG7066 LOVED the waterCIMG7068 And of course, the grocery store. I’m surprised she didn’t try to get in the basket like she does at the real store, but she had a blast pushing it around and filling it with all kinds of food.CIMG7071 CIMG7073 CIMG7075 CIMG7076 Hopefully, the only time we will see her in a cop car…CIMG7081 CIMG7083 Her first big girl slide and all by herself! I thought it would scare her, but she was laughing when she hit the bottom. Her daddy was right behind her…too bad I wasn’t quick enough to catch a pic of him too. :)CIMG7088

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