Monday, August 2, 2021

Toohig Tidbits: July

Cressey was watching HG canter at a riding lesson, and she said, "Mama, NOTHING can touch her now! She's FLYING!"

HG asked Cressey to get a piece of paper for her. Then she asks her again for scissors. Cressey looks at her. "First, you asked me for paper. Then for scissors. That's not how life works, sissy."

After a hard day at swim lessons, she told me she was going to "wipe it off the (chalkboard) calendar."

At the end of swim lessons, she told me, "I pushed the scared down and got the strong up. Nothing stops me now."

"No ma'am, not today, people!" Cressey to HG and Maddie

Cressey was complaining to John about her hurt toe at pool. He said he'd just have to amputate. She said, "What are you gonna do with a potato?!"

She thinks Pennsylvania is "Pencil-vania."

Ready for unicorn camp!

Dinner at Bubba's

HG had plans one night, and Cressey was sad. Trying to cheer her up, I told her that she could eat dinner wherever she wanted. She started up and down and squealed, "The couch! I want to eat on the couch!"

First time Sunny has ever seen me working out- he was really confused!

And not very impressed

Sno cones at school

Unicorn camp art projects (and snacks too) are pretty cool!

Pep talks in the deep end

And she did it!

Jumping off the deep end to CB with no floaties!

One of our babysitters is a rodeo queen, so she brought her pageant gear to let HG play.

Dinner with the Ducks

Best kids' table around (with the best 12 year old babysitter)

So much for 'sleeping in'

Blue rarely leaves HG's side, especially at nighttime

I forgot how much joy feeding ducks can be

Baby duckies!

"He's holding my hand!"

Attending their second DeSoto Co DG alumnae meeting

Stank eye


Peter Rabbit 2 with the Ducks

Trying on her 'disco night' gear for camp

This is how Cressey spends early morning hours during the summer

Cressey finally got on the riding schedule at Aintree and has a weekly lesson! It's amazing how much confidence she's gained since she first climbed on a horse.

READY to go to Kate's summer water slide party

Mama forgot her goggles, so she did the slide a time or two, then begged me to go home and get them, pouted for most of the party when I refused to go home, and then finally gave Kate's goggles a try and realized they worked like hers... It also took me going down with her once, but we bonked heads and dunked each other at the bottom. But she kept at it, and overall, she really had fun!

Playdate with Ava and a new school friend, Cecilia

Ginna invited me over for a drink in the pool, and HG helped me sneak out the front door ("Don't wear your normal cover up, Mama. Cress will immediately figure out what you're doing.")

Living the hard life

Ready and waiting for the kitten to run by

Looked over and realized that she was ASLEEP

Sissy is home from camp!

Love those wittle hand dimples!

I think she missed the kitties more than she missed us

Lots of togetherness

A little ring around the island for Cressey and Daddy

This is her favorite spot in Oxford

A couch for each girl

This pic was funny and cute- until she banged her head on the table coming out from under it...

What I woke up to...

My little shadow

"Where is Cressey hiding?!"

HG wanted to show Cressey the Doorknob of the Universe

Tour of campus

Working on "homework" (just journaling)

We were so delirious that we decided we needed Christmas in July!

This girl likes to help with any fix it project. I told Granddaddy he might be able to finally retire from his Property Manager position if she keeps it up.

All the paws

This didn't last too long, but I was impressed it happened at all.

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