Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Back to School 2021: 7th Grade & Kindergarten

In August 2021, Helen Grace began junior high as a 7th grader, and Cressey moved to lower school as a kindergartner. 

Haircuts right before Back to School Night on Tuesday the 10th

Cress and I entertained ourselves on SnapChat while we waited for sis. HG was desperate to keep her extra long locks. Cress asked for a trim and then decided she wanted even more trimmed!

Meeting Ms. Jamie

HG loved walking down the hall to see all her old teachers. Mrs. Mullins took her shoes off to see how tall HG had gotten!

Cressey was so happy to play with Poppy in Mrs. Grafton's room

The only way I could get a pic of HG was with Maddie! They ran around and found all their classrooms, met their new teachers, and then roamed the halls like celebrities to all of Cressey's friends.

On Wednesday night, we hosted the 7th grade girls and their families as we welcomed three new students. Judging by how much fun we had, it's going to be a fun year!

Cress was giggling because I caught her trying to headbutt these balloons with her unicorn horn!

The night before school started (for half day orientation on Thursday) was a disaster for sleep. HG woke up with a bad dream at 1 am, so John gave her his spot and went to the guest room. At 4 am, Cressey arrived at my bedside with a 'bad dream,' which really meant 'I'm wide awake excited and want to chit chat.' And she brought all the kitties with her. Needless to say, she and I didn't get much more sleep that night. Luckily, everyone popped up in the morning and were READY to go.

We left the house at 7:15, and I drove down every cove and side street on the way to school. We still got there before the junior high doors opened at 7:30! First half day...

Cressey's turn for drop off! I could walk in with her today

Ms. Jamie and Ms. Jennifer

By 2 pm, Cress and I were snoozing on the couch. We woke up at 4 to have a sno cone with Ava, and she went right back to bed at normal time. She was worn out!

First full day was Monday the 16th. Still super excited and ready to go!

Poor kid is loaded down with backpack, laptop bag, and soccer bag.

We caught up with Presley on the way inside. The first full day brought ALL of the girls. Cress was so excited! I could walk her in this day too, but now it's time for carpool.

FREEDOM! First 8 hour stretch of alone time in 2.5 months

At pick up, Cressey said they had to play crab soccer in PE and it was TERRIBLE. Lol! Her arm muscles were stronger from all the coloring. She played with Play dough from her Busy Box. She told Ms. Jamie about her wiggly tooth. She was 'WOW!' She didn't close her eyes until the very last minute of naptime. It was so boring. They went to recess THREE times and it was SOOO HOT. HG had a big time with finding all her different rooms and catching up with her buddies and seeing the boys in her classes! She loves her 'prep studies' class that teaches organization and study skills. They get to eat lunch outside which will be even more amazing when fall arrives. Soccer practice after school in the August heat is proving to be a character building activity, but she loves the scrimmages. So thankful for a school where my girls love to go!

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