Monday, February 18, 2019

Cressey's First Dance Class

On January 10th, Helen Grace tried out a new hip hop dance class. As Cressey and I sat and waited in the hallway, I noticed that a few little ballerinas started to drift in and head into the classroom RIGHT in front of us. Of course, Cressey noticed too and started becoming increasingly interested in joining them. It turned out to be a 3 & 4 year old ballet and tap class. When she realized that she wasn't going to get to join them, her frustration reached a fever pitch, and we had to walk outside several times to calm down. 

Needless to say, I called them the very next day and explained that she was interested in the class and that we were already there, waiting on her sister who was taking a class in the next room. I didn't even have to beg. They were very quick to offer to let her come the following week and try it out and see how she did. So begun the long wait of Cressey asking every morning when she woke up, "Dance day?"

The night (or two) before her dance class, she slept in her tap shoes. In the morning, she proudly told me, "Mama, I tap all night long!"

Finally on January 17th, it was her big debut! She couldn't be happier and basically skipped into the classroom. Even closing the door behind her, waving bye to mama! When the class was done, she cried and cried, not wanting to leave. It's obvious that she's got a new passion!

January 24th

Still not happy to leave her class at the end, but having sissy there to cheer for her made her a little happier.

January 31st

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