Thursday, March 22, 2018

CMT: 23 Months

Weighs 34.5 pounds. I’m buying 4T clothes for the spring/summer, and I bumped up to 5T swimsuits. Wearing size 6 diapers….and there are not size 7s…eek!

2018-03-06 12.47.14
2018-03-06 20.45.14
2018-03-06 10.02.32

We met with Cassie for some early two year old pics right at her 23 month mark, but for some reason, Cressey wasn’t having it. Wouldn’t even let me put her down. Cassie managed to get some cute ones, but she spent most of the time facedown in the back seat of my car. Please remind her this when she asks why we don’t have any professional pics of her as a baby. Mama tried!

Loves to put her fingers in the cracks of doors

Has started falling in love with all things princess- loves to wear her crown and dress up, carries around her princess dolls, etc.
2018-02-01 08.27.39
2018-02-13 12.50.52
2018-02-22 07.31.46

She clings to (and insists on wearing) anything of her sister’s that she can get her hands on- pajamas, swimsuit cover ups, headbands, etc.

When she’s in her car seat, stroller, or airplane seat, she screams, “STUUUUCK!”

“Wook” (look) and “wisten” (listen) and she puts her little hand up to her ear


“Oh no!” (or “oh gosh!”) with her hand to her cheek

“Shew!” with her hand to her forehead
2018-03-13 14.34.32
Just missed my feet getting wet with a wave! Shew!

Pretends to be a kitty by crawling on the ground, rubbing against our legs, purring (sounds like growling), eats food off the floor

She puts on my slippers, crawls up in my chair in the den or kitchen, and proudly says, “I Mama!”

She loves to help my unload the washing machine and then put the clothes into the dryer. As I hand her wet clothes, EVERY TIME she says, “Thank you!!”

She’s somewhat interested in the potty. Asks for a diaper the minute she gets out of the shower (still refuses baths). Agreed to sit on the potty but didn’t do anything. I have bought her a little potty, which she likes to play with but hasn’t actually wanted to use it for its actual purpose.

Can count up to 7 easily and up to 10 with a little prompting (or help focusing). It does NO good to tell her you're going to count to 3 and she better do something because she just gets excited and starts counting, still ignoring your request.

On March 9th, I got my first unprompted “bless you” when I sneezed.

On March 12th at the beach, Jeanne was bringing her to meet me at the pool. When she saw me, Grandma (who C has started calling Nemaw or Memaw, much to her chagrin) put her down and she ran to me and gave her first unprompted “I wuv you!” Then when we walked into the pool, Cressey was looking for HG who was playing at a school friend’s condo. She hollered, “Hegwace! Where ah you?!”

She wanted out of her high chair, but I was making her stay there to finish her food. She had been throwing a fit, then stopped and calmly said, “Ok. I’ll do it.” And proceeded to try to climb down.

Cressey’s teacher told me they were painting with watercolors at school. Every time she would switch colors and plop the brush on her paper, she would squeal “yesssss!” and throw her little arms in the arms. She’d change to a new color and another “yessss!”

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