Monday, January 1, 2018

Jingle Bell Ball

Third grade brought the first year that local kiddos are eligible to attend the legendary charity event, the Jingle Bell Ball at the Peabody on December 3rd.

All of Helen Grace’s class and most of the boys attended, and they had a BALL! I mean, weeks of talks about dresses and shoes and manicures and hair dos. It was awesome, and HG was so excited.

The Hines hosted a pre-party which was the perfect way for HG to mess up her hair and dress, I mean to get ready for the ball with friends- ha! And SANTA made an appearance too, so it was a super special event.

Once we made it to the Peabody and begged our unwilling kids for more pictures, the moms ushered the kids into the ballroom and then settled in the lobby to wait for an hour and a half, which was a nice treat for all of us too. HG came out completely exhausted with two balloon flowers (one for me- awww) and her face painted like Rudolph. I’d say that marks a huge success!

I suspect first of many times we’ll watch her come down those stairs all dolled up






Sissy’s reaction


Spiffer requested a pic of the sisters’ curls


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