Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Toohig Tidbits: First Half of November

When I told HG that I was going soon to get new baby pics, she said, “Thank goodness for the heavens!”

“I get my sass from my mama.”

At riding, HG and Ms. Jody were talking about how to keep your feet down and tight against the horse, and HG popped out this wisdom nugget: “When you are cantering, your feet are like anchors. You need to put your anchors down when you start going fast so you won’t fall. Like how an anchor keeps you still when you are in a boat on the ocean.” Ms. Jody about fell all over herself.

She was in my bed one morning while I was in my bathroom getting ready. She was hollering at me for something and said, “Sha Moore Toohig!” {This is what her daddy says to me when he’s picking on/fussing at me, and he thought it was the best thing he had ever heard.}

Another morning, I was laying in bed with her before school, and I realized I’d lost track of the time. As I jumped up, I said to myself, “What am I doing?!” She pulled me back to reality when she quipped, “Spending time with your baby girl.”

I heard HG say to herself, “I wonder what other antiques Mama has in her drawer.” I turned to see what she was talking about, and she was holding a digital camera and an old iPhone.

She and I were talking about how to use words kindly and not to get involved with mean girl back and forth stuff. She said, “Because I’m seven years older than my sister, I’ll tell her to come talk to me about stuff since I’ll have been through it already.”

At Darby’s house for her birthday party, she dropped some ice cream on the chair, but she quickly grabbed it and put it in her mouth. She looked at Mary Chris and said, “If that happened at my house, it would’ve had cat hair on it!”

I was getting ready one morning, and I somehow found myself in a mama sandwich. Daddy took a selfie, but this is the second attempt. The first one had a big gray, fluffy flash through the middle of it.2015-11-01 09.23.58Riding lesson on Nov 1st2015-11-01 10.27.582015-11-01 10.32.35

I noticed this points list pinned up at the barn. This is a cumulative list of show points in each category, and HG is leading hers!2015-11-01 11.28.29She wasn’t happy about this flash so early in the morning, but it was too cute of a pic not to capture.2015-11-03 06.03.01-1I had a work lunch cancel, so I surprised her at school. I was sitting on the bench outside her class as she came out of her room.2015-11-03 12.46.49She’s really into chapter books these days. We’ve been reading a chapter of Clementine each night before bed. I read them out loud to her, but she can pick it up and read for herself if she wanted to (like she showed me in the video below).2015-11-04 19.33.05

She was riding home with GD and Spiffer, and GD mentioned something about going home to Blue’s house. She scoffed, “What am I?! Chopped liver?!”

At her last dentist appointment, her six year molars had fully grown in, so it was time to put the sealant on them. Also, her grinding had chipped one of her back teeth, so they had to smooth it down a bit with the drill and fill it. Eek! (She didn’t know about the drill part though.) This was her first time back in the procedure room, and while she was nervous and didn’t like having to keep her mouth open, she was brave. Dr. Coleman did a great job of showing her everything he was doing and using. And made me promise to take her for a milkshake immediately afterward!2015-11-06 16.32.01Later that night, we went to Byhalia to visit with Selena Kate who was in town.P1080462Amy is expecting a baby boy in January, so GD had to get a shot of the pregnant cousins.P1080463P1080465While HG was in Byhalia, Brandy and I had a date night to paint lit, ceramic Christmas trees that we’ve admired for years. We had a really fun time!2015-11-06 23.04.41The next morning, Nov 7th, HG had her last SAA fall soccer game at Holy Communion. It was FREEZING and windy, but I got lots of hugs and kisses on the sidelines so I enjoyed it. Maybe it had something to do with my hot chocolate? Before the game started, the teams circled up for a prayer, and afterward, this sweet little Catholic girl crossed herself. So cute to see her growing in her own Catholicism.2015-11-07 13.18.40

2015-11-07 14.25.18Lots of love from the Tansey girls2015-11-07 14.30.58By the end of the season, she’s found herself in her favorite spot on the field- defender, like her daddy. She is more assertive here where she can stand guard, rather than when she has to run into a group of kicking girls. She does pretty well at this job too.2015-11-07 14.48.04 HDR2015-11-07 14.48.05 HDR2015-11-07 14.49.32 HDR2015-11-07 14.51.50-1Saturday night, two generations of the Browns and Toohigs (including Peggy, of course) went to see the new Bond movie. Lesley came over to our house to babysit HG and Addie, and this is what we found when we came home close to 10:00. HG asleep on the floor, Lesley asleep in the chair, and Addie laying quietly on the floor- but completely awake. Apparently, HG was worn out after a day of soccer and Nutcracker practice and told Addie to leave her alone and let her sleep around 8:00. Addie didn’t think that sounded like so much fun!2015-11-07 22.21.36Nutcracker pictures- this is her soldier year!2015-11-09 16.03.31The finished product of our Christmas tree pottery project. HG loves it and had a big time decorating it with the lights and birds.2015-11-10 19.18.41-1Her new obsession is pumping gas. She’s been begging for months, and we finally let her. She’s now done it several times for both me and John. I’m happy to oblige until she finally figures out it’s not that fun!2015-11-12 15.59.00Her new pose- ugh, the tween years are close.2015-11-12 15.59.11 HDRCasual spirit day- reverse school colors- so she’s dressed in St. Dominic’s purple and gold (and pink, as her daddy pointed out).2015-11-13 06.56.54

HG came home from school that day with a new dance she learned at a pep rally. While the grown up world all knows this song, I was shocked to hear it come out of her mouth. Those Catholics sure know how to have a good time!

She had her fall horse show on Nov 14th. I was in Oxford for DG initiation, but her daddy, Spiffer, GD, and Peggy took great care of her and cheered her on to win 1st in equitation, 3rd in under saddle (thanks to a stubborn Beanie), and grand champion!IMG_20151114_085848890P1080474P1080487CF6C3561P1080498After the horse show, Daddy took her to Sara’s birthday at Build-a-Bear. He was very ready for me to come home, but John was a great sport!2015-11-14 13.20.402015-11-14 12.55.17Meanwhile…in Oxford, we initiated NINE DeSoto County girls (missing one in this pic).2015-11-14 13.36.38And I got to see one of my sorority sisters from Tupelo, Blair, who has gone through this fertility struggle with me and is expecting a baby about a week after ours. Praise the good Lord!2015-11-14 13.51.17-1On Sunday the 15th, we celebrated Mallory’s 4th birthday at the Art Project. Lots of fun!2015-11-15 14.19.43-12015-11-15 14.28.19We killed some time at the bookstore before heading to Darby’s birthday party, and this girl got so excited about picking out a new chapter book that she plopped down on the floor to peruse. Do you know how many hours of my childhood I spent in this position?? Makes me a happy mama!2015-11-15 15.19.46Celebrating Darby turning TWO!2015-11-15 15.49.252015-11-15 16.04.172015-11-15 16.19.362015-11-15 17.07.24

HG will star as a solder in the Nutcracker this weekend, but here is her practice from Monday.

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