With every game, Helen Grace is getting better at touching the ball and more interested in general. She’ll proudly tell you how many times she touched the ball after each game. Her mind still wanders a bit during the game, but she will run hard after the ball and actually gets in on some action from time to time. After she touches it, she’ll immediately look to us on the sidelines for confirmation. “Her people” have made quite a fool of ourselves this season to reward her efforts!
From one of last week’s games… Kissy face
Getting that foot on the ball
From tonight’s game (the last of the season for me since I’ll be out of town for training at the last game in two weeks- boo!)… At one point, she was in the right place at the right time and took off with the ball, dribbling and running several long strides. They also had their first WIN!! Bubba came to watch again too. “Hey, y’all!”
Giving Bella a pat on the back
“Coach Daddy” since Christy and Leslie both had conflicts tonight
We are so proud of her!
She spent a good part of the game like this with her arm wrapped around her daddy’s leg.
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