On Saturday morning, the sun was shining, although the wind was a bit chilly, so we set off for a boat tour of the city. (We took a Shoreline tour because it was a bit cheaper and 60 mins vs. 90 mins, although you’ll want to make sure you get an open top boat.) Helen Grace thinks that this was her first boat ride, and although that seems crazy, we can’t think of another time…so she enjoyed her first sail! She was a little hesitant to walk around on the boat at first, but that soon wore off, and she explored every nook and cranny.
Afterward, we headed toward Millennium Park to check out the Bean, and John pulled us into the closest restaurant we could find- Sweetwater. It turned out to be a fabulous choice because it was covered in tvs playing all the big football games and also had delicious food- mini corndogs for HG, fish tacos, and this chocolate chip cookie dough dish that was sent straight from heaven! We warmed up, refueled, and got back on the trail to find the Bean.
A few more blocks, and the city opened up into Millennium Park. They had the neatest/oddest art exhibit of painted pigs which tickled HG to no end, and she ran from one to the next squealing, “This is my favorite! No, this is my favorite!” And then we stumbled upon the Bean…the most perfect gift for our vain little girl! She would have stared and smiled at herself for hours if we’d let her!
We let her run around for a while to wear herself out, and then we headed back to hotel for naptime. Afterward, we planned to go to the Skydeck at the top of the Sears Tower, but the line was THREE HOURS long!! So we turned right back around and caught another cab to dinner at Oysy for some yummy sushi. I am constantly amazed at what our child will eat- and with chopsticks! She will tear up some edamame, California rolls, and any crab or shrimp. I hope she’ll continue to be a brave eater.
After dinner, we hit up the Mile for some shopping, and I have to say that HG was quite the trooper. She really hung in there with very little complaining, and by the end of the night, she was acting like my own personal shopper. We rewarded her with some fancy s’mores from the restaurant in our hotel- she had definitely earned it!
The next morning, we headed to the airport to catch our flight home. I must give credit to the TSA at both airports. They made traveling with HG so easy. I took juice bottles and snacks through security with no problem, and they let us through the quick TSA pre-check lines both times, all while smiling and chatting up HG.
We had a wonderful time in Chicago. Helen Grace loved it so much that she now says she is going to go to college in Chicago! As long as there is an Ole Miss campus there, that’s just fine. Ha, totally kidding! :)
Love this pic of my two loves
The bridges lift on Saturday mornings to let the sailboats through.
Taking a pic of Mama taking a pic of her
Caught ‘em snuggling!
Dinner at Oysy
Entertaining herself in Nordstrom’s shoe department
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