Every day, we just can’t get over the things that come out of Helen Grace’s mouth…
At Glory’s house, she picked up a little cross, put it to her heart, and said, “Cross my heart.”
We were getting drinks for everyone for dinner, and Spiffer asked Helen Grace what she thought Gloria wanted. She immediately responded, “Coke. No ice.”
She grabbed some sunglasses, put them on her face, and squealed, “At the beach!”
Spiffer was admiring Helen Grace’s long eyelashes. She asked her where they came from, and she responded, “It’s not hard.”
Helen Grace was looking at something with Spiffer and Granddaddy, and she told them to “put it in the palm of my hand.”
She loves telling secrets. She cups her hand to your ear, leans in, and “whispers” (a.k.a. mumbling incoherently).
From out of nowhere, her manners have surfaced. What a relief to see that she’s been listening all this time. She uses “please,” “thank you,” “excuse me,” etc., and when I sneeze and am holding her (my hands aren’t free), she slaps her hand over my mouth and looks at me like I am so rude!
This little puppy dog belonged to my great grandmother. HG spotted it in the china cabinet and wanted Spiffer to show it to her. Spiffer explained that generations of little hands are what caused its tail to be glued back together in several places! :)Big time Saturday night at the Toohigs…and just the way we love it!
She’s become attached to blankets and wants to be covered up when she’s laying around. Not sure why this hit in the middle of summer when it’s over 100 degrees outside…?
We went to Bubba’s for Sunday lunch.
William was trying to steal her nose!
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