Well, we have had a doozie of a weather week. We were hit by a series of strong storm cells (some tornadic and some just thunder, lightning, and wind) Tuesday night and all day Wednesday, and we’ve spent a good deal of time in my closet. Helen Grace thought it was pretty cool at first to make a fort with our duvet and was content watching videos on my phone, but after almost an hour at a time, the novelty wore off. During one of the breaks in the storm, I decided to put her in her bed upstairs (she had fallen asleep in my arms), but sure enough, another storm blew in. When the sirens started up again, I decided she needed to sleep with us. She slept pretty well, but by the end of the night and being sandwiched between/covered up with a baby and two cats (not to mention the tv staying on all night with weather updates), I was READY to call it a night and start my day.
At one point during the storms on Wednesday morning, a water hose of rainwater began to fall from my den/breakfast room ceiling. When my dad was trying to get here to rescue me from my state of panic, he found that the road to our neighborhood was closed due to flooding. When he finally made it to our house (while the sirens were still going off), he found Helen Grace and I huddled in my closet- HG in only a diaper and me with wet hair and no make up. We must have been quite the sight! At least we were able to get out of the shower before the crazy weather let loose again.
When the storms blew on through Wednesday afternoon, we were left with a flooded backyard, garage, bathtub and shower, a leak in the roof, and two big but dead water moccasins from the backyard. All of the water eventually receded, and the roofers actually made it to our house that day to stop any more leaking. We also had a new dishwasher delivered that afternoon but they wouldn’t take the old one away, so it’s still sitting on our driveway. AND Comcast came for the FIFTH time to fix our cable, only to tell me that the underground cable was damaged and that they would have to bury a new one all the way across the front of my yard. Whew! I hope that this experience will meet our house repair quota for the YEAR! Needless to say, going back to work on Thursday felt like a vacation.
During one of Wednesday morning’s outbursts of nature. The lake used to be ten feet on the far side of those brick columns. Btw, our fence is under construction- it did not blow away! :)
A crane appeared out of nowhere
The rain has stopped, and the water is finally receding…praise the Lord!
And like a rainbow of hope, this sweet little family paraded across our backyard as the sun came back out.
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