Sunday, April 18, 2010

New Life Experiences as a Mama

Over the last few weeks as Helen Grace has gotten increasingly mobile, I have been experiencing all kinds of new things. I’ve been trying to keep a mental list of some of the funniest ones to share with my blog friends. Mamas out there, feel free to add your own- I know you’ve got some good ones!

  • Shopping will never be the same- at least for the next 10 or so years. Before I decided to change strategies and just buy, bring home, try on, and return, I was running through stores like a mad woman, leaving a trail of car keys, cell phones, animal crackers, and baby shoes. Trying to keep a 10 month old happy and leave with my sanity intact was near impossible!
  • Since she is getting around TOO well these days, when I’m home alone I put her in the shower with me. Her new favorite trick is to stick her fingers in the holes of the shower drain. I spend my entire shower balancing on one foot as I try to cover the drain enough to keep her fingers out but leave enough exposed to let the water drain. That’s quite a talent, let me tell ya!
  • She’s not content to sit in the floor and play while I dry my hair, so she pulls up on my legs and then stands there holding on to my towel wrap. If she catches me off guard, she can also pop the velcro on my towel wrap. (Scary mental image, I know- sorry!) That’s why many of you will see me with curly hair on my days at home alone with her. Whew! :)
  • Helen Grace has found the toilet and loves to pull up on it. Enough said.
  • She gets too bored to sit correctly in the shopping cart or high chair, so as my friend describes it so politely, she sits ‘side saddle.’ I call it being stubborn. She will often put her foot up on the tray or handle too. Some high chairs have obviously been designed by someone without kids because some have a rung really high so that she can stand up on it. You know she’s ready to go when she starts standing up on the rung and bouncing. Pack it up!


Mary said...

I always have a bathroom buddy (like in 6th grade) whenever Lilly's around. She's so interested in what I'm doing in the bathroom & laughs so hard at me :(

My Louis Vuitton's are no longer JUST mine. If I leave one sitting around she'll find it, empty it out & carry it around the house filled with her "important stuff"

Cassie & Joey said...

Just an FYI with the shower experience I have been putting Will in with me for some time now but the other day his toy fell over the side so he bent over to get it as I was bending over to put my hair in the towel and out he flopped or should I say he slid out like shamu slides onto the side of his pool lol head first no doubt I thought he had broke his neck and he just giggled and grabbed his toy-so be careful :)

The Kairdolfs: Lucas, Lori, & Layla said...

I felt like you were explaining Layla in everyone of those experiences! Guess we have "normal" 10 month olds :) Something I have recently discovered while getting ready is I pull the highchair in my bathroom or right outside the door and Layla eats a snack while I get ready. I gets me a little more time plus keeps her from pulling up on the toilet or dumping the trash... And I quit fighting the cocked leg in the shopping cart. She even turns around and faces the way I am pushing. As long as she is happy, I say leave her :)