Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Gym Meet

Our little cousin, Hastings, had her first competitive gymnastics meet, Blues & BBQ, this past Friday night at Cook Convention Center. Of course, Helen Grace was over the moon about going to see all the gymnasts perform. It was icing on the cake that Grace Ann came in town for it as well. Hayes, Hastings, AND Grace Ann was almost more excitement than she could handle!

Hanley explaining how things work at a meet.IMG_3486 Hastings’ cheering section- Hayes, GA, HGIMG_3491 Amazing vault…IMG_3492 …and beam! IMG_3500HG wouldn’t let Hayes or GA go anywhere without her.IMG_3496 I’m sure they were talking about something very important.IMG_3497IMG_3504

On Saturday, we all met at Spiffer and Granddaddy’s to play a bit before the Jackson crowd had to head back. I love watching these cousins have so much fun together!

Playing the cupcake board gameP1030258 Having a snackP1030260 Fishing with sticksP1030262 Creating a paradeP1030267 P1030268

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