Sunday, May 8, 2011

This Week

Here are some highlights from our week…

Some love for MoMomomo2I can’t believe he sat in my lap long enough for her to do this. He’s obviously desperate for attention.momo1We tried to have some two-year-old pics taken Wednesday morning, but since she wouldn’t get out of my arms or take her head out of my shoulder, that didn’t happen. We took lunch to Granddaddy’s instead.CIMG8536 CIMG8544 CIMG8545We got out of those cutesy clothes and into some play clothes so that she could get down to business.   flowers1 Working hardflowers John and I celebrated our anniversary that night, so Granddaddy and Spif took over HG duty. They went to Bubba’s to visit and have dinner. Love Bunny hanging out of her mouth!P1000430 The painting quickly turned into finger painting…P1000434 P1000436 Painting with Bubba and showing her the paint colors

Just for memory’s sake, I had to get a video of her running. The way she runs right now is just so cute, and I know that she will soon start running like a big girl. She had a blast running for Peggy in their front yard. Ready, set, go!

We are by no means ready to start potty training, but I thought it might be good to just have a little potty around so that she can get used to it. The night that I brought it home, she immediately had to strip down to her diaper (what????) and sit on it for a while. She now will often carry it to whatever room we are in. If she’s anything like me, she’ll probably learn to potty while sitting in front of the tv. It seems I was destined to be a tv junkie. :)potty

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