Saturday, March 27, 2010

Ten Terrific Months

Helen Grace is ten months old!

March 25, 2010


Here is what our little angel is up to these days…

  • Helen Grace is crawling like crazy. She has now gotten both legs to work together, and she can get anywhere she wants. She can even follow you from room to room and is starting to chase the kitties. It’s funny because they aren’t used to her moving so fast, so they are surprised most of the time when she catches their tails!
  • She loves to clap, point, and wave. She can clap along with a rhythm, which I attribute to Kindermusik and the Waldron side of the family.
  • Helen Grace really likes to play peek-a-boo and will just cackle when she ‘catches’ you!
  • She’s eating a lot more table food. She loves animal crackers, Puffs, yogurt melts, cheese, real green beans (although hates the green bean baby food), apples, pizza crust, breadsticks, etc. Her favorite baby food choices are apples and chicken, sweet potatoes, pears with anything, and oatmeal. She’s still working on a sippy cup. She would much rather have a bottle.
  • She is cruising very well- can walk from one piece of furniture to another. She can get up and down from any toy or furniture, and she’s getting more coordinated by the day.
  • She survived her first illness. It really messed up her sleeping pattern for a while. In the last few days, we’ve been able to get her to sleep easily around 7:30 p.m., she’ll wake up a few times before we go to bed, and then she’ll sleep most of the night until 6 a.m. or so.
  • She’s got six teeth now- four on top, two on bottom.
  • She’s standing or sitting up in her crib almost every time we go get her.
  • I swear that she’s saying “Rebel” when she sees him pass by, but John doesn’t believe me. We’ve heard a possible “Da Da,” but we are waiting to see that she’s associating it with Daddy rather than just trying out the sound.
  • She is wearing size 3 diapers and 12-18 mos. clothes. She got her first pair of big girl sandals this week!
  • Although she’s on the go most of the time, she will still hold my hand sometimes while she’s drinking a bottle or falling asleep. She will often give us a kiss (which is really just a big open mouthed glomming on the face) and a big squeeze. She is still a mama’s girl for the most part, which is very bittersweet. I’m so thankful that she seeks me first for comfort, but I wish she wouldn’t get so upset when I walk away from her to go to the other room! :)

IMG_9883 IMG_9887IMG_9894IMG_9908IMG_9910She cracks herself up!IMG_9912

1 comment:

Mary said...

What a cute baby & smocked outfit!