Monday, September 9, 2024

Toohig Tidbits: August

 Carpool kitty helped get HG to go to drivers ed a bit more excitedly

CBHS Media Day

Top right-ish

Watch out! It's an overdue Shazy-Big Red catch up!

Her new classmate Farrah's bday party

Back to school class party for Cressey's class

We got to meet Ms. Follis!

Happy new school year to Aibilene! We will miss you!

First time she really sat behind me as I got ready, like Momo used to do

This girl hopped on the rower and rowed 1500 meters without stopping or breaking a sweat!!!!!

Violin lesson!

Killing it at archery!

This pic of HG and her locker neighbor (4th grade) was in the president's back to school email

First year for a locker- BIG DEAL

This was Cressey in HG's first locker in 2017...

Meeting Mere's sweet baby Zoe


Penny's new trick- on the OUTSIDE of the stairs

Annie always makes me laugh!

So curious that she'll stand up on her hind legs for something intruiging

Cressey declared it a spa night and wrapped my feet and gave me a facial too

She's started a journal on hairstyle designs

So we spent a few days trying out all of her creations...

One handed goofball

We were surprised to see a very special sign right outside the main SAA entrance/exit

After school, I parked and told her to follow me. She was so confused why I was walking outside the gate in the grass. She was like, "Is it a bird's nest?!" And then she saw it- "IT'S ME!"

Getting ready for CBHS back to school dance!

Lots of fun with a sleepover and then a violin concert in the morning! (Anna is a beautiful violinist)

We kept all the kitties (and Cress) in our room overnight, and by the morning, Sunny was ready to GET OUT!

This girl loves the jeep

I fear that Penny won't be able to hide in this spot much longer!

Jeep to school on a 'fake fall' morning

Showing us her violin skills

Look at those bullseyes!

The cheer team went to the CBHS pep rally on the Thursday before the first official football game.

Cressey and I walked outside when they had just poured the new firepit, and Cressey wrote her name and HG's (and a smiley face) in the wet concrete.

First home game! Thursday, August 22nd, Hawaiian night, vs White Station

Love the tradition of following the band to the Brothers' Walk

Live at the Garden with Sam Hunt

Baby's first LATG

Victoria and HG were in just the right place when Sam Hunt came off the stage and walked through the crowd, so they got to touch his hand!!!

Love that happy face!

Cressey has taken to wanting to make my banana pancake breakfast for me

This is how Cressey does Bid Day... iPad and a fan on the balcony!

Mary Kylie and Beth's girls both pledged DG!

A good quality Grace Ann visit makes everyone happy

And to top it off with a visit with the Moore gang- aren't we lucky?!

Time for carpool kitty

The upper school has created 'houses' for the girls, named after four Dominican sisters, and KK and HG are both in House Magdalen.

Teddy was laying in my seat one morning, so I picked him up and laid him in my lap. He laid there for a good while. Again, like Momo...

Time for a wish!!

John Paul is headed to Disney!

Second home game, Friday, August 30th, USA themed, vs Sheffield. It started sunny, but dark clouds soon rolled in...

Mr. Steve!

The cheerleaders and band were all lined up for the Brothers' Walk, all of our family arrived, and THEN we got the first delay due to weather. Game time kept pushing back, and finally the band and cheerleaders went inside as raindrops started to fall. We all ran back to the belltower where the cheerleaders tailgate and at least stayed dry but the wind was whipping! Finally, they released the cheerleaders and band but kept the football players (eventually cancelling the game much later in the night). But the gang was all there to support our HG!

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