Thursday, August 8, 2024

Toohig Tidbits: July

 Cress and I took a little drive across the river to see our Arkansas besties, Juliette and Sarah Evelyn.

A casual day of pool paddle boarding with Kate

First Cherry Limeade (her daddy always says a Cherry Limeade made me have a baby- hg)

Jeanne rode back to our house for a family dinner in the jeep with Cress and John!

Oxford weekend fun

We miss our neighbor, but he's never far away!

Chasing fireflies and the sunset!

Caught one!

The only way to get Cressey to the square is Yaya's

El Charro never disappoints

A little Lyceum drive by

Cressey did an amazingly BRAVE thing this summer. She asked to go to a theatre camp. We couldn't do SAA's because of pony camp, so I signed her up for a week of Xanadu at Germantown Community Theatre. She didn't seem to care that she didn't know anyone else doing it until we pulled into the parking lot the first morning. Then there was lots of emotions. But she pulled it together, and by the end of the day, that girl came out of there smiling and dancing and begged to go back each morning. She loved getting to learn to sing, to dance, and to work the stage, and I watched her literally grow day by day. One morning, we got to the theatre early (we had to drop off HG downtown for Bridge Builders at 8), so we picked up donuts and ding dong ditched the Ducks. 

Run, Cress, run! She's always wanted to do this!

She was asked to come to school early one morning to be in a photoshoot for some upcoming school promotions. She was tickled pink!

And now off to theatre camp- look at that confidence!

Since Xanadu is 80s themed, she wanted her hair to be crimped for Friday's performance, so HG and I braided all of her hair after a shower.

And in the morning...

And she asked sis for some blue eyeshadow

And she's READY!

This girl rocked it! So happy and confident and proud of herself!

Goo Goo Dolls at Live at the Garden with Ashley and Ginna

And the boys

And the "three Deacon sisters"

And Jess!

LOOK WHO PASSED HER DRIVER'S PERMIT TEST!!!!!! I made her keep studying and studying, and she was so annoyed with me. You can take it online two times (a parent has to log into an app to 'monitor' the test) and you must make an 80 (24 out of 30 questions); otherwise, you have to go into the DMV to take it. Finally, one day we just decided she should try it. And SHE DID IT!

Look at that happy face!

Why are car washes so fun??

KK's 16!!!!

Sunny and Penny got sequestered in Cressey's room one night

These crazy cats love when Cress puts them on the rolling bar cart and drives them around the house


AND SHE HAS THE ACTUAL PERMIT THINGIE! She and I drove to the DMV in Jackson, TN because the Memphis offices didn't have appointments until August. It really wasn't too bad, only took about 40 mins in the office (mostly waiting to pay), and then she drove me home (I made her get off the interstate and swap with me at Canada Rd). We laughed at her blinker usage, but she really did well!

"Enough with the pictures, Mama"

Two good reports from Dr. B and Clyde

We tried to make the trip to Harrisburg, PA, to see the Waldron side of the family on July 19, but a software update disaster wrecked havoc on flights and caused us to not be able to make it there. We spent a few hours at the airport, and then decided to have lunch at Babalu and head home. HG drove us home from lunch, and I was in the backseat for a change!

This is "our PA trip" pic!

First time driving the Jeep and on Walnut Grove to Midtown

Cressey tried another big brave thing when she went to gymnastics camp without knowing anyone. She LOVED it. Every single thing about it. Begged to go back the next week, so I sent her back! This is the end of the first week- she won the "Strong and Courageous" Award which was perfect for her.

HG's friend dinner

HG could drive the Jeep all day every day.

First time on Poplar. Just from Yates to Target. And on a Sunday morning. Easy peasy.

Family dinner at the Hollywood

All we do is drive, talk about driving, play like we're driving. Please help.

A fantastic wish

And the second week of gymnastics camp brought our friend Delaney!

She got the "Future Leader" Award this week because she was always watching out for others and taking care of them. What was ironic was that she didn't hear the award description because she was trying to make sure the little ones around her were situated. Lol!

Penny is usually laying at the back door waiting for us to come home. This day Teddy had joined her.

The cheerleaders handed out watermelon to the football players after practice one day

Lunch with the Ducks

A late pic from June pony camp- how cute is she?!

KK got a car!!!! We were coming back inside from seeing it in the driveway, and I love this holding hands moment caught on our doorbell camera. I know she won't always hold my hand everywhere we go.

Penny got baptized when she unknowingly jumped into a full bathtub. She was not happy.

Barn little sister life

The tiniest frog you've ever seen

Casey was fine one frame of the video and spooked the next- I can't stop laughing at HG's face and Casey's legs!

After HG made it back to the car, she realized she forgot to grab her saddle. She paid Cressey $20 to go get it for her, and she DID IT!

Eskrigge/ Hasseltine family dinner before the girls go back to college

Cressey and Grandma got me this anchor pillow, and it makes a perfect bed for Bunny Monkey and Floofy.

'Around the world' never gets old

Zoo splash pad with the Ducks

Another brave thing she's done this summer- she tackled the closed tube slide!! And then did it over and over!

First drive to/ order at Sonic

Back to school haircuts!

Getting measured for her violin

And she couldn't put it down- she's so excited to start lessons

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