Saturday, July 13, 2024


The week that HG was on mission trip, John was also out of town for work, so Cressey and I decided to take a little road trip to St. Louis. I've heard such great things about the City Museum, and since HG might be a little too old for it now, it seemed like the right time to go while she was busy. And I had never been to St. Louis before and wanted to see the Arch in person.

We had a great time on our visit and said yes to all the Dippin Dots stands and Sonics that we passed. Cressey loves being able to be an only child for a bit, but she sure was ready for her sister to get home. She missed her.

When I ask Cressey what she liked most about St. Louis, she says she really liked the pool and how she could see the arch from it and there was a hot tub. Lol! A hotel pool IS pretty exciting!

We stayed at the Four Seasons which had a great view from our room and fantastic service

Waiting to get in our 'pod' to go up to the top of the arch. This door was shorter than Cressey!

IT'S SO TINY! Like a dryer drum, couldn't stand up straight in it. The ride up took over 4 minutes, and the ride down took around 3 minutes.

At the top, we had to walk up steps to get to the viewing area

And the viewing area was steeped and tiny- so neat!

We walked outside to find a storm brewing

The wind!

I had planned on swimming that afternoon after we visited the arch, but the storm cancelled that. But we had a great night of room service and tv/ iPad watching!

City Museum was amazing! Felt like Gaudi designed it- so eclectic and whimsical. No way they could ever create a map of it because tunnels and tiny in-between-floor levels are everywhere. I would recommend walkie talkie watches for kids/ parents, and you can buy knee pads in the gift shop. I also would recommend a head lamp because some areas are so dark.

Can you see C's little face?

Cress loved these fish

First time to see pinball machine

Union Station

Best $1 I've ever spent- kept her entertained for so long

My girls love a good mirror maze, so Cress was so excited there was one in Union Station. But let me warn you that there is a spooky spin at the end, and it was a little much!

For some reason, Cressey saw this ropes course and was INSISTENT that we do it together. She has tried a ropes course at Urban Air before with some turn arounds, so I wasn't confident this was a good idea. But you know what, she was a BEAST and I was the scaredy cat! She did BOTH zip lines which meant I had to do both zip lines, and she did a few lines that I refused to do (I need a rope or something to hold onto, I will not skedaddle across with just feet thingies). I could not have been more impressed and proud of her!! And thankful for a 30 minute time limit!

The aquarium was great!

These rays would have come home with us if they could have. So friendly.

A perfect way to end the day

The zoo! It's free, ya know! First stop- the snakes (ew). We visited this building several times during the day.

We did the elephant encounter which was really fun and interesting

Can you see Cressey? (tip top on right side)

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