Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Toohig Tidbits: October & Halloween


Ellie Rene had a big water slide for her birthday, and it took Cressey nearly the whole party to get brave enough to go down it. But when she did, she LOVED it!

We had a furry visitor one morning

A school-wide art project where everyone got to create artwork on the canvas (last year) and sign it (this year)

Beach Boys at the Orpheum to celebrate Daddy's birthday (a little late); they were great!

These girls are always ready to celebrate a holiday!

When your hair matches the floor

Sisters in the ring

FB official for HG and Casey

I have no idea

Freshmen Student Officers

Look at that rail height!

She was ON FIRE this day and so pleased with herself!

Family Night

Back to Oxford! Arkansas weekend

Big helper


Time to get Halloween up!

Peep pie!

Peep pie!

Wha you doin'?

JV cheer tailgate

At the last minute for the last JV home game of the season, HG got put in as a FLYER! She had been practicing with the stunt group, and in a pinch, coach put her in! She did GREAT!

Cedar Hill Farm field trip for Cressey

HG and Cressey in the same field years apart

Time to get some pumpkins!

Sisters doing Macarena on horseback

Pickwick weekend!

After watching her friends tube, she finally timidly decided to give it a try. She got a little nervous getting on the tube, but we kept encouraging and she did it! 

Meanwhile, HG at home with KK

Family Make-A-Wish as the wish fairies

Halloween cookie decorating class at school

Ghouls Just Wanna Have Fun

Cressey and I dropped off HG at one entrance of the Haunted Corn Maze and then we snuck over to the jumpy part. Cress jumped the whole time HG and her friends went through the maze. And then we hit the road to Oxford

Cress didn't make it there awake

Ole Miss vs. Auburn


When you are constantly hot and your trainer is constantly cold...

Halloween! Cressey wanted to be a deer, and later she edited that to be a deerling from Pokemon which was easy enough to just add the flowers to her antlers.

Kate joined our neighborhood crew

And HG went with KK and some friends, all as Taylor Swift albums

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