Monday, August 14, 2017

HG Takes On Third Grade

Monday, August 7th was registration night at school, so Cressey, HG, and I trekked up there around dinner to decorate her locker- a first!- and drop off her books in her classroom. (I should say that HG skipped and Cress and I just tried to keep up.) Cress was soon a disaster with it being the witching hour, so I spent most of the time chasing her down the hall, scooping her up just before someone tripped over her, and trying to encourage HG to wrap it up without rushing her out the door! She was SO excited about her locker with white board, mirror, and magnets. She took pics of John, Cress, and me to hang inside. I was quite impressed we made the cut.

Tuesday morning, HG had to get a cavity filled and Cressey had a knee-to-knee exam, so that afternoon, we called in Spiffer and GD so that HG and I could have a day of fun before school started on Wednesday. She is starting guitar lessons, so we got my old guitar all fixed up and added a strap. Then we indulged at 901 Scoop and wrapped up with pedicures. It was just what we needed to have some quality time before the hectic school year returned. (Worth noting that this was the first morning all summer that both of the girls slept past 7 a.m.)

Wednesday morning, HG was up with the sun and roaring to go for the first half day. I asked our neighbor, Sydney Ellen, to come hang out with Cressey so that HG could have a smooth morning, all about her. She chirped happily all the way there and was off like a light when we got there. When we got to the classroom, a handful of girls were there but no grownups. I hesitated at the door to the classroom, but HG gave me a little nod to come in with her. She got her stuff settled at her desk and then flitted off with the others to help put up supplies. She gave me a big hug, and I was out the door. Such a difference from years past!

Also worth noting, after a week of third grade, she has gotten herself *entirely* dressed every single morning, flat out refusing help with even socks.
2017-08-07 16.31.37
Mrs. Mullins
2017-08-07 16.34.00
2017-08-07 16.37.24
A future Star
2017-08-07 16.37.38-1
2017-08-07 16.47.05
2017-08-07 16.47.21-1
2017-08-07 16.53.00
Painting of the saddle oxfords
2017-08-08 08.14.42
While getting her guitar restringed, she befriended the guys at the store. They asked her to hold this guitar that had been played by the lead singer of ZZ Top, Led Zeppelin, and Stevie Ray Vaughan. It was worth $40,000! I about had a heart attack!
2017-08-08 14.13.32
While waiting on ice cream…
2017-08-08 14.39.38
2017-08-08 15.55.11
Future rock star
2017-08-08 16.31.30
The night before...
First (half) day of third grade
2017-08-09 07.24.11-1
2017-08-09 07.25.25
2017-08-09 07.27.26
She doesn’t yet know that she’s not coming along…
2017-08-09 07.28.08
2017-08-09 07.52.31
2017-08-09 07.58.44-1
2017-08-09 08.09.47
2017-08-09 08.15.58

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