Saturday, March 19, 2016

Getting Close, Cressey!

On March 3rd, my office surprised me with a shower and Swanky’s- and even John!!!!- for lunch. They sure do know me well! While it took me a while to recover from being so overwhelmed with the surprise and being the center of attention, I finally cooled off and enjoyed it. They gave us a mamaRoo too, so I’m really excited about playing with that and hope Cressey will enjoy relaxing in it. When I picked up HG at school with the huge wad of balloons in the back seat, she was thrilled!

2016-03-03 11.52.25
2016-03-03 15.06.41
2016-03-03 15.08.15
Totally unprompted moment that I luckily captured. She also often gives her a kiss as she leaves or goes to bed.
2016-03-13 09.57.49
A liiiiiitle (read: A LOT) clingy to Mama lately
2016-03-13 19.00.34
2016-03-13 19.01.46

I had my follow up appointment with Dr. Samson on March 14th, and he was so proud of my glucose levels. He said he so rarely gets to tell people that they are doing great and can cut back on their daily checks, so I was a VERY happy camper. She weighs 7 pounds (73rd percentile), and her abdominal circumference is in the 94th percentile (which was totally fine with Dr. Samson, considering the extreme growth babies have in the last month). The big surprise was the LONG HAIR they saw in the ultrasound. WHAT?! I am still so shocked by that, but thankful for the heads up so that I could find some little bows to take to the hospital! I actually had lost a few pounds, which surprised me. Maybe because I’m so full that eating isn’t as much fun anymore??

I saw Dr. Neblett a few days later, and we got our c section on the books at Baptist. She will be here no later than 7:30 a.m. on April 8th! We talked a lot about the difference between Braxton Hicks, real contractions, and round ligament pain. I’m terrified of going into actual labor, so I’m paying attention to every little thing. I’m having pretty constant Braxton Hicks where my tummy tights and balls up, but it doesn’t hurt. And then I’m having some sharp pains (round ligament) from time to time. Sleeping is getting even more difficult (lots of pillows help), and Cressey’s hiccups seem to come more and more often. The most painful thing at the moment is just her moving around. She is VERY active!

See the hair?! 36 wks
2016-03-14 10.35.30
2016-03-14 10.35.45

Her nursery has pretty much come together. My friend, Ashley Anthony, painted this sister painting for me with this saying as the inspiration: “A sister is a gift to the heart, a friend to the spirit, a golden thread to the meaning of life.” ~Isadora James

2016-03-14 17.16.01
2016-03-16 17.51.55
March 16th: 36 wks, 2 days
2016-03-16 09.14.49

Cressey’s hospital bag is packed, and my stuff is gathered together. It’s hard to believe that I had nothing packed last time when HG decided to arrive, yet I lacked for nothing at the hospital. That speaks to the incredible strength of “my team” in gathering all the things we needed while I was in la la land!

The most pregnant I've ever been...36 weeks and 5 days (March 19th)

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