Monday, March 28, 2016

Easter 2016

HG had a big time at the neighborhood egg hunt on Saturday morning, and thankfully, the weather was much warmer and nicer this year! She had no interest in taking a pic with the Easter Bunny though as she said it was kinda freaky for someone to dress up in a bunny costume. Well, she had a point there! We walked all the way down to the gazebo area down the street, and when she saw the jumpy, she had to turn around, run home, and get some bloomers. She would not even discuss jumping in a dress without proper attire on. Hilarious but so proud of her ladylike behavior!

2016-03-26 10.27.01

As she went to sleep on Saturday night, she asked me to find an ‘Easter Bunny’ cam like her Tooth Fairy cam, so I did my best and found one to catch the EB in action! She was ecstatic to see the proof on Sunday morning, although when you ask her what Easter is really about, she will proudly tell you every detail of the Easter story. She went through it all on the way home from dinner on Saturday, and John and I were quite impressed with her attention to detail. I’m glad she’s able to enjoy the commercial side of Easter but still really appreciate the REAL reason we celebrate!

2016-03-26 21.17.55
2016-03-27 06.12.35
Mocha wanted to be a part of the action too!
2016-03-27 06.18.52

Our traditional Easter morning pics on the stairs took a silly turn when this little giggle box couldn’t get it together…

2016-03-27 09.17.45
2016-03-27 09.20.22
2016-03-27 22.22.08

As mass wrapped up, Cressey was moving up a storm, so I grabbed HG’s hand and put it on my belly. She was able to really feel her move several times. She came to the conclusion that Cressey must like her purple nail polish more than her hot pink polish because she kicked that hand more.

2016-03-27 11.12.53
2016-03-27 11.13.23-1
2016-03-27 11.14.00
On to brunch at Mesquite where this tired mama *very much* enjoyed a mimosa…a day shy of 38 weeks…
2016-03-27 11.45.33
Showing Bubba how to play a game on her iPad
2016-03-27 12.44.08

I'm not sure if HG showing Bubba her way around an iPad OR the conversation going on in the background is funnier, especially when HG says, "You know that is not orange juice." Lol!

2016-03-27 12.48.59
2016-03-27 12.49.18
This is what “I’m not sleepy” looks like.
2016-03-27 14.04.59
A wonderful end to a beautiful weekend!
2016-03-27 14.33.16

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Good Friday: Egg Hunt & Mani/Pedi

To really blow out Spring Break with a bang, I took off one more day on Good Friday. We headed to the Hines’ for the second annual SAA egg hunt. The girls always have such a good time- as do the mamas- and this year was just a little warmer than last year (because it was frigid in 2015). To this extra hormonal (read: hot) mama, it felt wonderful in the sun!

2016-03-25 12.50.20

2016-03-25 12.55.00

2016-03-25 12.56.16

2016-03-25 12.56.24

2016-03-25 12.58.04

2016-03-25 12.59.23

2016-03-25 12.59.41

When I asked her what she wanted to do afterward, she was pretty set on getting her nails done. She hasn’t been interested lately, so I went without her recently. Of course, she noticed the second I took my shoes off, and she was mad! She wanted to get hers done too, so we finally had our mani for her/ pedi for me date. With it being the Friday before Easter, it was PACKED, but HG was as patient as I’ve ever seen her. When it was finally her turn, she got her fingernails done while I was in the back getting my pedi. She told me she had all these rules- no clipping nails or hangnails, etc., which I passed along to the manicurist, but when I saw her after I finished, she had let her do ALL of it and she was so proud of her beautiful manicure- hot pink on one hand and purple on the other. She skipped out of there, singing, “I love my nails!” And then she asked to go home, get in pjs, and play Zelda with Daddy. Perfect ending to such a fun day with my girl!

2016-03-25 16.19.02

2016-03-25 17.12.20

2016-03-25 19.09.52

2016-03-25 21.29.39

Spring Break: Part Two

On Wednesday, we decided to go explore downtown with Spiffer, and HG said, “Yay! It’s a girls’ day!”

We started at the Beale Street Landing, a relatively new park on the riverfront. We’ve passed it a million times but have never stopped to climb the hill to see the view from the top. While the forecast predicted a sunny day with temps in the high 60s (hence HG’s shorts and sleeveless shorts), it ended up being overcast and in the high 50s and WINDY. At least, we all had jackets to throw on! The view from the top of the landing was really neat, but we just stayed a minute or two, took a pic, and then headed back to the warm car.

2016-03-23 11.06.22

2016-03-23 11.08.13

Then, we were off to Bass Pro Shop. HG went with GD and Spiffer last summer when it opened, but I still hadn’t been. She was really happy to show me around. First on the agenda was the shooting range, then up to the top for the observation deck, and she finally let us eat!

2016-03-23 11.18.44

2016-03-23 11.23.13

2016-03-23 11.23.22

2016-03-23 11.28.11

2016-03-23 11.28.57-1

View from America’s tallest, free-standing elevator (28 floors)

2016-03-23 11.45.57

2016-03-23 11.49.00

2016-03-23 11.49.35

2016-03-23 11.49.38

2016-03-23 11.49.59

2016-03-23 11.50.48

2016-03-23 11.57.12

2016-03-23 12.59.50

After we saw every inch of the shop and picked out our fudge, we headed to the Arcade, the oldest restaurant in Memphis, for milkshakes. They did not disappoint and really hit the spot after a day of exploring!

2016-03-23 14.03.06-2

2016-03-23 14.04.18

2016-03-23 14.28.30

On Thursday, I had to go back to work, so HG spent the day with Spiffer. She chose to go to the Children’s Museum, and God bless Spiffer for taking her (it wears me out!). They had a big time playing on the playground outside too. HG showed Spiffer her new trick of MONKEY BARS!





