Monday, January 18, 2016

Toohig Tidbits: January

A girl punched a boy in one of her shows. She said, “That’s what happens when you mess with a girl!”

If you thought I had road rage, you must see HG in the car with me. While I was trying to explain to her about why we can’t make faces at cars in traffic when we don’t like what they do, she said, “Well, why do you have a horn if you’re not supposed to use it?!”

John told her, “I am so going to embarrass you when you’re a teenager, Helen Grace. Does that worry you?” HG said, “No, because I’ll just kick your boo-tay.”

John said, “Baby girl, your mama is going to be a little crazy these next few months.” HG responded, “You mean, even crazier than she normally is?!”

At Bubba’s before dinner one Thursday, HG and Granddaddy were playing out in her front yard. It was really cold, and GD finally told HG he was going inside- and she was NOT interested in going in. As he turned to walk toward the house, she said, “You can’t just leave a kid out here!”

This is what happened when John was trying to take down the Christmas tree…HG thought it was the perfect time for a sneak attack!
2016-01-03 16.44.44
Disco party, thanks to the Eskrigges’ gift
2016-01-03 17.14.02
2016-01-03 19.20.03
This is very very rare. They were obviously very sleepy.
2016-01-03 22.53.19
Visiting with Darby and Mary Mason
Spiffer getting to meet Mary Mason for the first time
2016-01-05 16.35.55
HG LOVES to get the first spot by the door in carpool line.
2016-01-06 14.12.48 HDR
2016-01-06 14.12.50
2016-01-06 20.08.05
Where’s Blue Cat?
2016-01-06 22.20.59
Crazy girl about to hop out for school
2016-01-07 07.49.42
As GD says, she’s about to outgrow Beanie.
2016-01-08 15.50.24
2016-01-08 16.23.32
Well, that escalated quickly! Cat was NOT happy that Billie Jean found her hiding spot.
2016-01-08 16.24.00
Rainy Saturday morning activity: Making bongos with this little inventor.
2016-01-09 12.19.10-1
One of the moms recently shared this silly pic of all the moms and daughters that went to the GenerosiTEA last February together. Perfectly represens our crazy crew!
2015-02-07 14.12.43
Yet another  time I’m so thankful to have my girl- she loves watching red carpets! (This time, the Golden Globes)
2016-01-10 18.53.47-2
Doesn’t she look so grown up? This was the only time that morning that she quit talking!
2016-01-13 07.04.42-1
Excited girl!
2016-01-14 16.09.30
Another Byhalia sunset
2016-01-14 19.43.36
Shopping for sister with mama. “One thing for Cressey, one thing for me!”
2016-01-16 14.06.44
When your mom forgets your winter coat and it’s 40 degrees in the barn… #babybrain  For the record, she refused to wear my jacket. My sweatshirt was our compromise.
2016-01-17 11.45.31-1

Bowling for Mary Kate’s birthday
2016-01-17 16.20.57
2016-01-17 16.21.40-1
2016-01-17 16.37.26

HG is learning about magnets in science. “Mama, just wait- you’re about to be mind blowed.”

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