Sunday, October 25, 2015

Toohig Tidbits: October

We have heard these words constantly in the last few weeks: “Boom! Ba bam!”
To Will Hudson at dinner at Babalu, “Have you lost your mind?! My daddy has!”
“I don’t want to be president. Too much paperwork. That’s like homework, and I do NOT like homework. But I would like to be the daughter of the president…”
“My super powers are love and smarts. What’s your super power, Mama? Baking? (laughs) No. Going to bed early? Cleaning dishes? You clean dishes every night- that could be it!”
She’s discovered Ole Miss’ saying and hand motion of ‘fins up,’ so she throws that from time to time.

Second Baptist pumpkin patch after school2015-10-01 15.11.09 HDR-12015-10-01 15.36.14Stopped by to see Grandma after her field trip. She was calling Peggy to tell her we were coming to her next.2015-10-08 15.23.40Mornings around here are rough.2015-10-08 18.03.04Love notes to Mrs. Barksdale2015-10-09 15.22.572015-10-21 14.31.43Visiting baby Alexandra2015-10-09 17.24.462015-10-09 17.24.502015-10-09 19.48.512015-10-09 19.48.572015-10-09 20.25.10The weather is finally perfect to get back to the zoo!2015-10-10 11.50.19-12015-10-10 11.55.062015-10-10 12.53.282015-10-10 12.53.31”Take my picture, Mama!”2015-10-10 13.23.522015-10-10 13.29.422015-10-10 13.34.142015-10-10 13.42.53-1At dinner one night, she just sat down and wrote out math problems…2015-10-11 11.42.52The novelty of car washes never seems to get old.2015-10-11 14.10.37Pumpkin painting at the Anglins. HG painted a candy corn pumpkin.2015-10-11 15.54.512015-10-11 16.27.32Blue knocked one of my necklaces down the drain, and it was a family affair to get it out…2015-10-11 17.36.102015-10-11 18.58.212015-10-11 22.17.222015-10-12 06.23.282015-10-12 07.47.162015-10-13 07.08.05-1Living rosary at SAA2015-10-15 09.54.082015-10-15 09.58.392015-10-15 10.14.392015-10-15 10.14.41Beautiful fall day to ride Louie2015-10-17 11.41.152015-10-17 12.31.09Dinner date with the Hasseltines (and Glo who was in town)2015-10-17 19.20.27This is pretty rare, and therefore, photo worthy. Needless to say, it didn’t last long.2015-10-17 22.46.09Ms. Lara sent HG one of her old how-to-draw-a-horse books, and HG took right to it.2015-10-18 17.09.27Fun with Addie at Grandma’s2015-10-18 17.13.52Dress-like-an-old-lady day at school2015-10-21 07.01.03-1Christy came to see her girl play soccer at SAA.2015-10-21 17.02.52 HDRP1080429P1080454P1080456Found this little gem as I reviewed HG’s math worksheet. Obviously, no lack of confidence! “Brilint”2015-10-22 15.21.46Playing in Bubba’s jewelry2015-10-22 16.32.35SAA girls2015-10-22 16.59.01Now this is a more normal position for the kitties2015-10-24 21.35.042015-10-25 07.41.43

Since the beach, she's made a lot of progress on the bike!

She came up with her own version of the "Cheerleader" song that's all over the radio right now.

Riding on October 17th. She took from Ms. Louise that day instead of Ms. Jody, and she told me, "HG looks like she's too sweet to manage the horse, but she's tough!"

HG came up with some version of "dang nabbit" and it came out "bang dangit." Spiffer and I couldn't stop laughing!

HG made up this "I love Delta Gamma" cheer.

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