“A good queen knows when she’s wrong and cleans up her messes.” (after watching Narnia)
“A unicorn uses her horn to collect donuts.”
“When I’m a mom, I’m going to let my kids do whatever that want to do.”
“We have a lot of fun at school.”
“I’m getting used to school.” When I responded by asking her what her favorite part was, she said, “I think all parts are cool.”
“It’s important to take good care of your skin.” Now, this is one of my phrases that I’m not embarrassed for her to parrot!
To me, “You always have too much excitement and too tight cuddles. Can I have a loose cuddle?”
We’ve always told her, “I love you much!” She responded the other day with, “I love you much-er!”
A list of some things she can now do all by herself:
- Can go to the bathroom in a stall by herself
- Can get out of her car seat, open the door, hop down, and slam the door shut
- Can now do and undo buttons (makes for at some times much easier while other times much excruciatingly painful mornings due to the amount of buttons on her uniforms)
- Can put her big jacket on all alone
- Will often wake up in the middle of the night and restart her sleep music on the CD on her nightstand
- Will help me put together her lunch for school
When I was in high school, I remember a time that I was oohing and aahing over a beautiful sunset and a friend mentioned that they’d never really noticed a sunset. I am proud to say that our little girl eagerly points out anything beautiful in nature- a sunset, sunrise, pretty shadows, leaves on trees, etc.
She notices anything that you move (just like her mama).
She has quite an ear for music. She can put together a decent little ditty about whatever it is she wants to sing about at the moment. Also, she can hear the shortest bit of a song, recognize it, and tell you where it came from. To that point, she must have hear Katy Perry’s “Roar” at Haney’s party, but she heard it in the car one morning and immediately started belting it out. She’s been stuck on watching the video and singing it for days now.
She wants me to give her something to dream about each night. Unicorns, princesses, teddy bears, cupcakes, and sparkles are popular/well received suggestions.
Cupcake date (and a little love) with Lawson Who knew an empty milk jug could be so much fun?
One day, I’m really going to miss finding her secret stashes.
I believe this is the first drawing she’s done that the person has a shirt on.
And when I had to go to Oxford this weekend, she drew this picture of me and her to take along with me.
Waiting at lunch last weekend, cuddling with daddy and playing on mama’s phone.
“Are you going to take my picture, Mama?”
This takes me right back to my childhood in GG’s kitchen when I would tell her I was “wassing dishes.” She would tell me that story almost every single time I visited her house over the years. HG ‘helped’ me forever on this night.
I surprised HG with Chick-fil-A for lunch at school last week. She came around the corner, saw me, a big ole grin spread across her face, and started skipping to me down the hall. She asked Mrs. Gossett if we could sit at the table in the corner, and she was so excited to sit in the big girl chairs. I brought cookies for the kids, and Mrs. Blaizel told them to tell me thank you- and I got a chorus of, “Thank you, Helen Grace’s mommy!!!” Hilarious!
Naptime cuddles are kind of rare these days, but I got in a really good one on Saturday (after the tea) where she stayed right here tucked in under my arm for the entire two hours. My happy place.
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