Our cats have special spots that when you rub them, they start licking like crazy. HG calls these their ‘lickey bones.’
When she’s stuffed, she says, “I’m full as a wink!” (instead of a ‘tick’)
When she and her daddy were playing with Barbies and her daddy’s doll gave her some ‘tude, HG told him, “You need to change your attitude.”
“It’s yummy in the mouth!!”
“Mommy, I love you more than sugar!!” When I pressed her if she loved me more than sweet tea, she paused and then said, “No- I mean yes.”
She was showing me how to play some of her games on my phone. I blanched at one that seemed hard, and she looked at me very seriously and said, “Mama, you have to try new things.”
At Grandma’s, she was ready to go to the pool at Teddy’s, but Jeanne, Peg, and I were talking in the den. From the back door, we heard her say, “Hey, ladies!!!!”
She saw her first rainbow recently. Granddaddy, Spiffer, HG, and I were meeting John for dinner at Sweet Peppers one night, and it was halfway raining- one of those true ‘the devil’s beating his wife’ kind of times. When we got out of the car at dinner, we looked up and saw a HUGE, full arch rainbow. Stunning! HG was so excited!
Hanging out with the Baldersons
Lunching with Courtlyn
Hunting spiders at the pool with Isaiah
Mary Chris showing Ryves how to play ‘This Little Piggy’
Movie date with Ann Maxwell
Silly girl
A reward for coming out smiling after a tough swim class on Wednesday: A strawberry cupcake (read icing) and plane watching at the airport with Spiffer & GD
Yummm….Seafood Junction….second corn on the cob
Update on swim lessons: She had three days of swim class back in late May with Melissa Brown at the Coats’ house, and the last day was disastrous when Melissa made her put her face in the water. {The only correct responses to Mrs. Melissa are ‘yes ma’am’ or ‘I’ll try.’ That has taken some getting used to but is a great life lesson.} We definitely needed more time and exposure, so I signed her up for another week with Melissa in June. HG was NOT excited about going back. She has cried each day on the way there because she’s scared, but she’s dried up the tears and will calmly walk into the backyard on her own. We’ve been reiterating that it’s ok to be scared, that she’s tough and being so brave to try new things, that all we ask is that she does her best, that she’ll have fun playing with her friends in their pools with her new tricks, and that Mrs. Melissa is a mommy too and is like her mommy in the pool. She has come out of each class with a big ole smile on her face and very proud of herself. Thursday, SHE JUMPED OFF THE SIDE OF THE POOL BY HER OWN CHOICE and swam to Mrs, Melissa!!!!! Grandma was there and watching through the gate and about had a heart attack, but we all quizzed HG and she said she chose to do it (was not forced). She has reenacted it for us time after time, and she can’t wait to show us at ‘graduation’ today- that is, if this storm would roll on through! Rain, rain, go away- we want to see our baby fish show off!
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