Thursday, June 7, 2012

A Mud Pie for Daddy

When I arrived at Grandma’s the other night to pick up HG, I found her in the backyard ‘making a mud pie for Daddy.’  As much as her muddy feet and hands made me cringe, she was cute as a button in her rain jacket and boots. She obviously knew her daddy would appreciate her rainy day handiwork more than her mama. :)IMG_0975 IMG_0977 IMG_0979 

And here are some other Grandma-and-Peggy-moments caught on G’s camera…

Loves playing in Grandma’s face creamIMG_0932 The budding artistIMG_0949 While Grandma washed her car, HG had to wash hers…IMG_0968 Napping with JerseyIMG_0980 IMG_0981

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