Friday, March 4, 2011

Gym Rat

Helen Grace went all out at Little Gym today, throwing herself onto the bar and doing kick steps across the balance beam. (She also learned how to rock herself backwards, and she’s been doing it- and making me do it with her- all afternoon.) Granddaddy surprised us by stopping by, and he caught some great moments. She gets VERY excited about getting a stamp afterward, and she will take one on both hands and feet if Ms. Angelica will let her have them. :)

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On the way home from Little Gym, Helen Grace became impatient at sitting in traffic and hollered, “Go!,” at the cars in front of us at a red light. Uhhh…not sure where she learned that…but we used it as a lesson about red and green lights. After a quick lunch, she passed out for a three hour nap and woke up in a great mood. She gave me a great drum performance with a pot and wooden spoon, but I’m sure the cats wanted to kill me for giving them to her!banging on pot

Please excuse the bad camera angle, but I had to capture Helen Grace doing Itsy Bitsy Spider. She has become fascinated with it all over again lately, and she gets so into it (when she doesn’t see a camera watching her).

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