What a busy- and wet- Saturday. It literally rained from the light of dawn to the dark of night. Luckily, it didn’t stop us from having a fun weekend.
Emily came in town for the weekend to run a 5K, and we enjoyed getting some time with her, especially because she is a baby whisperer. :) She won first in her age group too, so the whole weekend was a success!
Brandy’s oldest two girls had a joint dinosaur-themed birthday party on Saturday morning. Remle turned 4, and Daily turned 3. They had one of those great big inflatable slides set up at their church, and of course, Helen Grace HAD to go down it. Thankfully, no one took any pics or videos of the two of us trying to climb up the thing- what a disaster- but we finally made it to the top without getting trampled to death by the much more capable older kids. Once we got up the ladder part, she had fun bouncing around at the top and watching the big kids throw themselves down the slide. She sat on my lap the first two times and just loved sliding down. For the third and last time, I sat her on the slide next to me, and that got a BIG cackle!
After the party, we stopped by my mom’s school for their fall festival. Helen Grace went nuts over the balloons from Ms. Pam and Ms. Andrea and ran up and down the halls like a wild woman. She had a blast in the office too- coloring with Granddaddy, stacking cans, and sitting in the ALC desk (let’s hope that’s her last time there).
When HG went down for her afternoon nap, Em and I snuck out to visit Melissa, Eddie, and little Lawson…well he’s not so little any more (2 months old)! We had a fun time catching up with the Eldreds, despite the yucky day outside.
Thinking about making the plunge
Happy birthday, Remle and Daily!
She’s such a beggar. She was first in line for the cake!
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