We’ve had a great weekend and are continually amazed by watching our little monkey run around and learn new things. She is talking up a storm- if we only knew what she was saying!
My cousin Meredith has transferred to Ole Miss, so we will enjoy getting to see our Florida family much more often. Uncle Rod and Aunt Sharon came to move her in this week, so we had a family dinner over at Bubba’s Thursday night.
We’ve spent the rest of the weekend chasing little Miss Priss around and spending some time with her grandparents. She got into a lot of mischief at Spif and Granddaddy’s on Saturday afternoon as the pictures show!
A quick funny from this morning…usually when I get HG out of her bed, she is either really loving and snuggly or she wants to jump out of my arms and run to the stairs. Today, she wanted to run. I set her down, and instead of bolting for the stairs, she ran over to a book on the floor and then starting backing up into me. (This is her cue for me to sit down so she can sit in my lap.) So I quickly hit the ground and slid into place under her bottom, and we read the book twice and then read another one. She spends most of her day with her nose in a book so I’m not terribly surprised, but I’ve never seen her do it the moment she wakes up. So random, but I love that my baby loves to read so much.
Also, we are looking forward to celebrating our month of September birthdays soon. Between the 4th and 10th of September, we have the following birthdays…my mom, my aunt Di, my cousin Ryves, my dad, and ME. My cousin Meredith pulls the end of the chain with hers on the 28th. My dad and I both have BIG birthdays this year. I will leave his a mystery, but mine is the big 3-0. I have mixed feelings for sure, but I am absolutely ecstatic about where I am in life right now so I can only smile and take the birthday graciously.
Enjoy the pics from our weekend!
Thursday: Uncle Rod took her for a walk outside at Bubba’sGoofy girl
Friday: Playing with Mama, “Cheese!”
Love that birdy lip
I finally caught the double shrug on camera!
Saturday: Tearing up Spif and Granddaddy’s house. This was my baby doll when I was little, and it’s basically the same size as her.
Loves the slide too…she does this funny, low cackle every times she hits the floor. Hilarious!
The slide in action…
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