It’s been a great week at the Toohig house, but my time to return to work is quickly approaching. I am extremely grateful to have had 12 weeks at home, and now I’m trying to soak in every second with Helen Grace! We’ve been having lots of lunch dates with friends and family and making many appointments with various service professionals- lawn guys, bug man, carpenters, etc.- to get all of those tasks completed around the house that we’ve been meaning to do for months. You know I am a Virgo, and I have to get some of my to-do list done before I go back to work with a clear mind. At least I have finally finished my thank you notes! I am so embarrassed it has taken me almost three months!
Since I’ll be going back to work on the 17th, I am going to stop breastfeeding this week. I have very mixed feelings about quitting. I have never been in love with the whole process (you all know I despise feeling like a cow), but I hate to think that once I quit, I won’t be able to start back. I love knowing how good it is for HG, and being able to give her my milk makes me feel like a good mama. But I just don’t think that nursing in the office and storing milk in the fridge at work will go over so well with the guys! Plus, I do look forward to having a little more freedom and not constantly watching the clock, calculating the next time to pump. When I start feeling sad about quitting, I will just have to remind myself how nice it will be to sleep through the night without having to get up and pump. If Helen Grace can sleep all night, why can’t I?!
One thing I have learned over the last two months is the importance of quality burp cloths- and you need a TON of them! My friend, Karen, gave me some of her stylish creations when HG was born, and I LOVE them. You must check out her website, CottonBelle Designs.
My cousin, Ryves, is beginning medical school this fall (praise the Lord!), and my family from Florida came to town for his white coat ceremony. Bubba, Uncle Rod, Aunt Sharon, and Meredith came over on Friday afternoon to meet Helen Grace, and we had such a good time! I love watching my family meet her for the first time. It’s amazing to think that this moment was the very beginning of Helen Grace’s lifelong relationship with them. Pictures coming soon!
Last night, I had a funny moment in the wee hours of the morning. I was sitting in the rocker in the nursery, feeding HG, and Rebel wanders in the room as usual. He’s never far away! Instead of sitting on the foot stool or on the floor like he usually does, he decided to hop into my lap and settled on my hip, kneading like crazy. There I was with a baby on one side of my lap and a fat cat on the other. A few minutes later, Mocha joins us in the nursery and tries to hop up in my lap as well. Unfortunately, the chair had reached its occupancy load, and he was not welcome! He was not happy to be left out of the party! I guarantee you that he will race his brother upstairs tonight to make sure he gets the lap seat!
I’ve been brainstorming about how I felt about being pregnant and not being pregnant…
Things I loved about being pregnant:
- Feeling her move was the most amazing sensation I have ever experienced. I wish that would never end…although I did think twice about it when her heel would get stuck under my rib! ;)
- Having her with me all the time. I loved the bump!
- Seeing my doctor often and being able to get my questions answered on a regular basis.
- Getting sneak peeks at HG through ultrasounds
- Wearing elastic wastebands. Man, if it were cool to wear elastic wastebands in work pants, I might never go back to my normal clothes! Those pants were so much more comfortable!
- Having strong fingernails. I got spoiled by not breaking a nail for months.
- Having a great excuse to get a pedicure since I couldn’t reach my toes!
Things I love about not being pregnant:
- Not freaking out when I stumble. After so many months of being so cautious of my tummy, it’s odd to stumble and not panic about landing on your tummy. I can be my clumsy self again without worry!
- Sleeping on my tummy. I didn’t realize how much I missed that.
- Seeing Helen Grace and realizing that John and I are creating our own family and will one day have our own grandchildren and hopefully great-grandchildren. We can’t wait to see how God will bless our little family!
- Watching John and our family go crazy over her. It is stinking adorable!
- Drinking as many Cokes as I want to…and eating all the sugar I desire! And I look forward to taking any medicine I want as soon as I stop breastfeeding. Advil, here I come!
Here are some pics from our week…
Spif can’t get enough of her baby girl.Bubba and I went to Tupelo to have lunch with Helen, Carrie, and Ella Catherine, who is HG’s third cousin (if I am doing the math correctly).
Helen Grace is finally recognizing us and smiling like crazy. It is so rewarding and makes me cry every time!
Ms. Carole gave Helen Grace the cutest little ballerina dress, and while the outfit was way excessive for the occasion, I dolled her up for a lunch date with Ms. Jill. (I am realizing how quickly she is outgrowing her adorable outfits- so sad!) HG was a great sport about it. Maybe she will end up being a girly girl after all! If so, let’s hope she’ll still be good at soccer, for her Daddy’s sake.
Enjoying a lunch with the girls.
Pooped after a long day of being so cute- it’s exhausting!
Just wanted to leave you some words of encouragement as you go back to work. I've totally been there and am still there and want to give every mom who had to go through this a giant hug. It's a huge adjustment
I had some of the same exact feelings you are having about quitting breastfeeding. But I think you are so smart to not even try to do it at work. I wish I would have done that and life would have been a lot less hectic that first month back.
I could go on and on, but just know you can always drop me a note or give me a call if you need anything. Good luck!
Good Luck next week Sha! I enjoyed your good/not so good things about being pregnant. I am right there with you now and really LOVE to see this 'bump' in my tummy. Amazing what God creates! Although, it will be nice to sleep on my stomach again! :) I will be thinking of you next week and can't wait to hear how you adjusted to this transition. I may be in your boat too.
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