So I got the not fun call today from my doctor's office that I do in fact have gestational diabetes- and I'm not even close to being on the borderline this time. I feel very uneasy about all of this news because of the lack of information I have right now, but I have to go to a class on Thursday morning at 9 a.m. and hope to be more educated after that. I don't have to take insulin, but I do have to change my diet and check my blood sugar regularly. If you know me (or John), you know how much we hate blood, especially our own. I get sick just thinking about it. The nurse wasn't too worried about my changing my diet before my class (does that infuriate anyone else like it does me?), so I hope to get a better idea from my class of what I can and cannot eat. Tonight, John made me a spinach salad, grilled chicken, green beans, and fruit, and then we went on a walk around the neighborhood. This might not be so bad if I could eat every meal at home, but what am I going to do when I eat out? So much to learn! At least it's only for 8 or so weeks...well, really 59 days but who's really counting? ;)
you are going to start eating broccoli before this is all over i just know it!
If it makes you feel any better, my mom had GD when pregnant with me. Change in diet while she was pregnant and neither of us have ever had problems (well, problems related to that lol) since!
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