Friday, November 24, 2017

CMT: 19 Months

2017-11-03 16.34.09-1

2017-11-03 16.59.23

2017-11-01 09.46.02

Cressey started her 19th month on November 8th with her first ear infection. She weighed 32 pounds and 34 inches. (She’ll take her meds easily if you first pretend to give it to her sister or the kitties.)

Reverted on sleeping. Used to be an easy-to-put-down baby, but now is tough to lay her down, wakes up more often, etc. Still sleeps on her tummy. Has almost outgrown her sleep sack but hasn’t found a new normal- blanket, footie pjs, etc. Still takes one nap in the mid morning.

Much more snuggly these days. Loves to lay her head on your shoulder.

Has mastered eating with her fork- can stab and get it into her mouth easily.

Terrible twos are officially here. Will lay out in a fit at the drop of a hat.

Loves to dance and will shake her booty on command. Squeals when songs she knows come on.

Pushes her hair out of her face yet does not like to wear a bow. Loves to play with headbands though.

Loves to watch Mickey, Puppy Dog Pals, Bubble Guppies (Bubbies), and recently Blue’s Clues.

When you tell her, “Take me to your room,” she’ll go to the stairs.

Seems to respond a bit more to discipline, most of the time anyway… HATES time out.

Words are coming quickly now. Will parrot anything you say.

Has learned how to walk on the rope (in line) at school.

LOVES school, squeals when we pull up, goes immediately to her teachers.

Loves to chew on toothbrushes and begs for toothpaste. Has a mouthful of teeth. Six in front on both top and bottom and one set of molars.

Still a big fan of Little Gym too. Prefers to wander around rather than participate with the group activity, but she is starting to figure out how to cooperate with the class (loves to run in the circle with the group).

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