Sunday, September 22, 2013

Teddy’s Birthday

We celebrated a BIG birthday for Teddy last night! Helen Grace made him a card with a family portrait ‘To Teddy’ and signed her name. When she gave it to him, she told him she drew it ‘because she loved him.’ Luckily, she was oblivious to all the teary eyes in the room and kept right on with her spiel. She had lots of cuddle time with Baby Addison who is getting more and more interactive, fun, and mobile. Addy even got in on blowing out the candles this year!

Happy birthday, Teddy!2013-09-21 19.32.52 2013-09-21 19.32.53 2013-09-21 19.59.43 2013-09-21 20.09.54 photo

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