Sunday, July 28, 2013

Toohig Tidbits

Helen Grace and I were playing with Barbies, and she was showing my Barbie how to dance. When I pretended not to know how, she told me to “just listen to your heart.”

After our visit to Jerry’s Sno Cones, she said, “How do the workers make this so good??”

When we were playing on the bed, she banged her head into the headboard. I expected her to complain, but she popped up and said, “I have a Toohig head. That didn’t hurt!”

When I don’t know the answer to her question, she tells me to look it up on my phone. She’ll tell me, “You know everything, Mama!” The other day, she was pretending to look something up on her phone, and she looked at me after ‘finding an answer’ and said, “Can you believe that? I’m serious!”

“I love my school. I’ll never give it up!”

At bedtime, she always says, “I want some company.”

Meeting Rowan Eldred, Lawson’s little brothermeeting rowan CF6C0576 daddy1 That train was so LOUD!trainOnly she could convince me to get into this thing.20130716_191302 She was tired of Granddaddy taking pics- “Talk to the hand”20130718_18360220130718_183630“What? Not everyone goes to a birthday party in princess heels?!”2013-07-20 14.00.39-2Visiting Grandma at work2013-07-23 11.58.58A re-d0 at the sprinkler park with the Baldersons since mommy got HG there so late and then it stormed for Finley’s partyIMG_4488 Chase!IMG_4489 IMG_4490

The poor child has a lot to deal with when it comes to learning to write and spell her name. A double name sounded like a good idea in theory! Thanks to her grandmothers, she has made a LOT of progress this summer, and I love hearing her spell her name (at least Helen, anyways). We’re getting there!


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