Thursday, February 7, 2013

We’re Baaaaaack!

When the weather is nice, you know where to find the Toohigs. We have been back at the zoo several times lately as the winter weather has given us a break and teased us with a preview of spring.

Daddy and HG entertained themselves at the zoo one Sunday morning while Grandma and I were at RCIA class.CF6C7087 CF6C7097 CF6C7102CF6C7134 CF6C7142

One pretty afternoon we went with Peggy and Grandma. Princess Helen Grace was in full effect.CF6C7204 I love those surprise hugs/tackles.CF6C7220 CF6C7226 Racing MamaCF6C7229 CF6C7244 Mississippi princess wavephoto Meet the new baby giraffe, Maliki! They were trying to corral her back into the building with branches.CF6C7294 But Maliki was a bit too quick and nimble for them!CF6C7297 Freeeee! A huge crowd had gathered to watch the shenanigans, and we all laughed at their futile attempts. Took them about 20 minutes to finally catch her!CF6C7304 CF6C7323 

And while I was in Oxford for Initiation, Spiffer, Granddaddy, and John entertained HG with a zoo trip. HG was a little tired from a slumber party the night before with Grandma and Peggy.IMG_0755 P1030300 There’s a new baby sea lion too- meet P1030314Finally gave in.2013-02-03 14.45.15

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