Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Dance Party

I recently read Jack and the Beanstalk to Helen Grace at bedtime, and when Jack chopped down the beanstalk and the giant fell, she burst into applause. I love that she is now letting me read a real story to her and actually listens to me! She now regularly requests “Jack!” to be read to her or to carry around with her. It even goes in the car with us…Jack

She had to have some of Mommy’s “choc” (chocolate pudding) the other night as a bedtime snack.choc 

This morning as we were getting ready, Helen Grace brought her LeapFrog puppy, Violet, to me and wanted it to sing to her. As I pushed the button, she started busting a move and wagging her tail- hilarious! Dance party at the Toohigs! (John says she will be mad at me for publishing this when she’s older, but I think it’s too cute not to share…so baby girl, Mommy’s sorry!)

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