Tuesday, November 23, 2010

“I want baba!”

“I want baba!”   Tonight Helen Grace was not happy. She kept whining, and I couldn’t figure out what she wanted. And then she opened her mouth and said, “I want baba!” I really would have thought I dreamed it, but luckily, John was standing right there and heard it too. She’s been saying a version of “What’s that?” for a few weeks (sometimes clear, sometimes fuzzy), but this sentence was actually really clear. Wow, how exciting!

Also, on a funny note, last night I was getting Helen Grace ready for bath time. I stripped her down and turned my back for just a sec to double check the water temp. When I turned back to her, she was gone. Panic! I found her squatting in my closet with a puddle under her. REALLY?! Ah, these are the days! I couldn’t be mad at her though. She got so upset when I shrieked and that little lip started to quiver, so I had to give her a quick cuddle and then a dunk in the tub!

And this is how John came home to find us tonight…our smoke detector in our bedroom had been beeping, and I was trying out batteries in it. Mama’s little helper was not satisfied to stand by my side and watch…she had to do it herself, so she climbed up in the chair with me to “help.” Big girl.fire alarm

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