Friday, December 4, 2009

I Have a Tooth!!

Breaking news…Helen Grace has a tooth coming in!

John was playing around with her tonight and found a little tooth breaking through. I can’t believe it just popped up like that, and it already feels kind of jagged. You can barely see the little white line in the pic below. This is the best pic I could get as she really doesn’t like her mouth to be pried open- I am sure I wouldn’t like it either! She has been drooling and putting anything and everything in her mouth for the last few months (really since four months old or so), but she hasn’t been any more fussy than normal recently. The only thing I can even think of is that as she has been going to sleep in the last three or four weeks, she will occasionally wake up with a short but loud cry. I can quickly soothe her though and she goes right back down. That’s the only thing I can think of that might be attributable to teething. After seeing Helen Grace’s gummy smile for all six months of her life, it will be so weird to see an itty bitty tooth in there!

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1 comment:

Emily said...

congrats on the tooth! your little baby is growing up too fast!