Saturday, June 29, 2024

Toohig Tidbits: May

Cressey was an oompa loompa in the after school theatre version of Willy Wonka

Getting ready for Memphis in May show (first weekend of it)

May Crowning

Cressey was selected by her class to be on the May Crowning court, along with a second grade boy and an 8th grade boy and girl). (I'm guessing because those grades were chosen because they had sacraments this year?) She was SO honored and SO nervous. She did a great job!

At a school reception celebrating our new math and science building

HG has had such a special relationship with her school big sis, Wesli. Those last few days of class for seniors were hard!

Show time!

During HG's Saturday show, Cressey and I were helping shower Meredith with love for Baby Zoe's baby shower at Amery's house.

Sunday's show


So proud of HG for being a proud ambassador for her school

If there ever were a 

If there ever were a picture to depict my after school life, this is it. All the drinks. With nowhere to put them.

Cress found a lizard at the barn one day, and she was bitten by the last one we encouraged her to pick up so she was cautious but brave and TOUCHED it! 

On some rare barn days, Cress and I get to sit in the car while HG just grazes Casey (we have to go inside when she rides or hacks), and Cress always loves sneaking to up the front seat. It drives HG crazy that she moves the seat or touches her things, so we try to get C back to her seat before HG catches us...but on this day, we were too slow! Luckily, HG was feeling nice and didn't fuss too much.

THE NORTHERN LIGHTS WERE VISIBLE FROM MEMPHIS!! We knew there was a chance we could see them one weekend, and Cressey and I stepped outside in the driveway but couldn't see anything. But we kept seeing pics of friends on social media, so we decided to jump in the car (in our pjs) and go to Shelby Farms to see if it was better where it was darker. We were so confused when we got there and didn't see anything in the sky UNTIL WE LOOKED THROUGH OUR PHONE'S CAMERA. And there they were!!! It was amazing to see!

Much excitement

Ole Miss graduation weekend for our Grace Ann!

These two are TROUBLE

We tried to look for the Northern Lights in Oxford that next night, but we couldn't see anything. It was family fun though!

Way to go, GA!

Our last neighbor date with Mr. Monster/ Uncle Fun- so so sad

Cressey's field trip to CMOM

Cutest photo bomber

Well that was a sweet surprise to find on the kitchen table

Carpool kitty

Cress is so sad to say 'see you later' to these classmates

After I helped with the Project Graduation lock in for the seniors, I had to go straight to bed and then reward myself with these.

HG "helping" me pack

Trying on her SAA daddy's graduation garb

Best guys around!

Hastings' Briarcrest graduation

So proud of you, Hastings!

At Hastings' graduation lock in, they had a face painter. She texted me this pic and asked, "Is this Cressey?!" Sure enough, yes! I think it was at Germantown Charity years ago

Field Day

On the first tug of war effort (girls vs girls), her team won but Cressey got a little rope burn. She was a little offended and didn't want to do the second time (boys vs girls).

Until she saw her team working hard to pull ahead, and then she threw her water bottle down and grabbed that rope. They won, of course! And a parents caught my face in the background- lol!

Thank goodness for Coach G and a water hose!

Their tough faces