Monday, August 12, 2019


In July, John and I got away for a weekend in NYC WITHOUT KIDS!!! Thanks to our wonderful parents for overseeing our circus so that we could have some together time. Unfortunately or fortunately, we picked the hottest week of the summer, but that just meant we had to hop from bar to restaurant to shop all weekend long...tough life.

Rose & Agave on the Palace patio is a MUST DO

When it's 100 degrees outside, all you can do is shop.

Mean Girls

Brunch at the Palace

Couldn't leave without getting our girls a treat from FAO Schwarz

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, the girls were playing with HG's hermit crabs and Blue was dreaming of life on the other side...

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Victory Ranch: Year 2

HG and her buddies decided to try Girls' Week at Victory Ranch this year, and a TON of her classmates joined her. It was one of the hottest weeks of the summer, but that didn't stop them from having a ball. They got to do paint ball and the 'leap of faith' fall this year, and they had a new dress up night, the Glammies. Cressey enjoyed being the only child but was very happy to be reunited with her sissy!

Painting cars the night before

Tried to pack the car a little early, and this girl was ready to go

Time to go!

Got her top bunk with Maddie!

By Veronica

The sweetest camp letter ever received

Enjoying her last few minutes of being an only child


Her counselor, Delaney, was actually the sister of her counselor last year, Aubrey. What a small world!

Together again (with her iPad, of course)